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Early morning, Phoenix awoke with the sun in her eyes but did open them because she heard Gail and Ernest talking. She didn't want them to know she was awake. Nor did she want to walk, Ernest was carrying her, to wherever they where going. But she wanted to know what they where talking about. She tried hard not to move or give any sign she was awake.

"... Tell me, again, why they couldn't come her themselves?"

"Oh for heavens sake, they can't come her themselves because Dakota is wanted for a murder--"

" He didn't do it!"

" I know he didn't do it, keep your voice down. And his very sick."

"Sorry, she never knew her parents..." Ernest mumbled, " at least she'll have her godfather."

" Do you think they miss him?"


"Trevor, do you think they miss him?" Gail asked again.

"Well, ya he was there best friend." Ernest started" The five of us, Me, you, Trevor, Dakota, and Dimitri. You know us five on adventures and getting in--"

Gail stopped dead in his tracks and sniffled. He sat down against a tree and looked up into the sky, wiping his tears away.

" Do you think he's happy now?" Gail mumbled " Now that he doesn't have to deal with me." Gail looked up at Ernest.

"N-no." Ernest stuttered, "He's probably-- We have a long journey I think we should save this for another day."

They continued to walk in silence until Ernest finally said something.

"Do you think we can stop by the borrow?" He asked " I just wanted to see them again."

Gail sighed, turned around, and said, " I guess we can.." When Gail turned around he plastered a wide grin across his face. Phoenix thought this was a good time to 'wake up'.

"Oh good, your awake." Gail said not looking at her. She could tell he was wiping away his tears still.  "Did you--uh--hear anything?" He asked turning around now.

"No." she said, turned to Ernest and whispered, " Can we go to the borrow?" He nodded. Phoenix tried to reenact her reaction and Ernest seemed to believe it. Deep down she was happy, if good things were going to be there she was glad to go. Ernest set her down now. She talked with him for awhile then she walked a little fasted to catch catch up to Gail. She turned around slightly and saw Ernest facial expression. He looked disappointed Phoenix went up to Gail instead but Gail seemed more than delighted.


" We'll stop here." He explained and pointed to a shed. He walked inside and Phoenix ran after him. She wanted to know more about Dimitri, Dakota, and Trevor. He set up a blanket inside with a lantern and personal belongings. Phoenix tapped his shoulder and he turned around and smiled.

" Yes?" He said sweetly.

" I wanna no more about--" she stopped when she saw a glowing red knife and a figure in a cloak holding it. "What was that!?" She gasped and pointed to where the figure and the knife had been. Gail looked concerned and put his hand on her shoulder.

" It's fine," his voice trying to sound reassuring but shaking with fear." I have back up. We'll sleep in the tent."

It was getting dark you could already see the stars. Gail put up the tent. It was a bit small but Phoenix didn't complain. She went inside and it was huge. It was like a house disguised as a tent. Gail showed her where her room is and said "goodnight." There was a drawer full of clothes and since she didn't pack any she just put on some pjs. The were a little big but she didn't mind. She laid on her back and began to think about everything she heard. Her stomach felt as though she got kicked with an iron boot. Phoenix stopped trying to sleep, got out of bed, and peeked behind the bedroom door.

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