The Stinger

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For the First time...

Jade was Afraid.

The Scorpion Faunus Infront of her Made her Afraid.

His Stinger Raised Menacingly,His back Slouched,And his Knee's in a Fighting Position,This guy made her Afraid. Nothing else Made her Afraid more than her Past but...But This took the Cake. She wasn't suppose to be Afraid, She's suppose to be a Badass. Her Veins Full of Adrenalin, Her Blood Running Cold as She saw him, Her Face Draining of Color.

She was Afraid.

Ruby,Nora,and Ren Noticed the Broken Girl's change of Color,Glancing at Each other before Facing The Scorpion. The Man Laughed and Lunged,Jade Quickly Evading the Man's attack,"who the HELL Are you?!" She asked,Quite angry at the Faunus. "Meeee~? Simply Tyrian,My dear~" Tyrian looked Rather Offended but Continued Fighting before Qrow Came and Saved the Day(XD). Jade Grazed Tyrian's Side,Giving him Little Pay back for Qrow,Even though Ruby Shot his Tail off. "I saw should I put this??"

"Yes,I was afraid...Who cares?"

"Ren,Nora and I do. You never Hesitated."

"He made my Blood run Cold,Okay?!" Jade Had Rose her Voice into another,Slight,Octave,"He made me Scared for you four,Scared for Anyone else! I have nothing to go back too! You four do! Well,Five...But Still! I have to Run and Hide and Hug myself while You five have A Place to Stay from the Cold,Heat,And Weather and Have someone to Hold...Just leave me Alone..." Jade Walked to a Building and Slipped Away...

They haven't heard since that Day...

Only Watched from Afar.

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