The Explanation

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Again,Jade was Cleaning her Sword as the Fire Crackled and Licked at the Sky,Qrow wounded,Jaune Arguing as Jade Simply Tuned him Out. But when Ruby said 'Tyrian' She Spoke,"The Scorpion. We will Meet him Again." Ruby,Ren,Nora,Jaune,and Qrow look at Her,Confused,"What? He didn't get Ruby so Why will he Come back?"

"Ruby is the Target. Tyrian Failed and He will be Punished by Salem. Salem is a Force to be Reckoned with. Ruby,You took Cinder's Left eye when You,in my words,'Raged'. Surely Salem thought you'd be Easy Prey. But Obviously,With more People,It gets Harder. A Friend of mine can Sense Things from Miles Away. If we Get her by the Next Village,We'll be Safe. No Offence,Ren." Ren Nodded at her Words,"None taken."

"Anyway,We need to Get to the Next Village by Tomorrow,Noon at Best. But for Now,Lets take Shifts,To protect Qrow and Ruby,So Ren,Nora,Jaune,and I will Take Shifts. Ruby,Keep an Eye on Qrow as Best as Possible. We don't want a Late Father Right now."


"That's The Friend of Mine." Jade Smirked,Continuing to Clean her Sword. She Went to a Tree and Attacked it with a Strike,A Visible Slice in the Bark. Jade looked at the Blade,Smiling as She saw Her Reflection on the Sharpened Blade,

"'Cause Tomorrow,We meet at a Bar."

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