Chapter 23

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Diana's P.O.V

I'm telling you it hurt like crazy! The contractions were getting bigger and even more painful. I had 2cm left to go. I was scares but excited that I don't have to wait anymore to see my beautiful son or daughter. It was crazy that I was going to be a mother. Finally, my ambition of having the perfect family has come true. Do you want to know the sad part of this though? My dad isn't going to be able to see the baby for a year! He left 2 months ago and I really miss him..


" I love you Diana." He whispered to me, tears streaming down my face. All they boys came to be supportive. I really thanked them for it because I couldn't do it on my own. "And keep these safe!" He joked pointing at Niall.

"I promise Ashley, they're my everything." That just made me cry even harder. My dad hugged me even tighter.

"Here, you take this." My dad took of his hat which he was so proud of wearing "And you keep it." He smiles at me. "Affirmative!" He saluted but with a shaky and unsteady voice.

"Hifermative!" I cried. He laughed. I said that when I was 4 and didn't quite know how to pronounce in yet. He kissed me one that time and got onto the plane. There goes my dad, who I'm ever so proud about!

end of flashback

Niall had my hand in his, and he told me, whenever I'm in pain just to rip the shit out of his hand. Which I did. It's all red now. He says it doesn't hurt, but he's just trying to be manly. Which he really isn't... Then a nurse walked in. My nurse. Remember?

"Miss Loverock, let's see how were getting along." She then did what she had to do "You are ready for labour. Before we start would you like any pain relief?"

"Yes please." She nodded and went to get some. Our baby is coming now.

Niall's P.O.V

I've called my mom and dad, Greg and Denise and the boys. The boys are going to come after birth. Which is going to happen very soon. Well in about 3 minutes. The nurses were just checking everything before D started to push and she was in that position, where your legs are to your chest. I held her and and she looked at me, with an upset look.

"Nialler, I'm scared." She wispered loud enough for me to hear.

"I know princess, but your gonna get this chubby baby out of you and were going to be the family you have always wanted." I kissed the top of her head. Here we go.


"One last push Diana." The nurse said, fidgeting down by her area. That must hurt! D was currently destroying my hand, but I don't care. She can rip the living daylights out of it, if she wants! As the nurse commanded, she pushed. The hardest squeeze ever was applied to my hand. When she had finished, I began to shake my hand as it hurt. I suddenly stopped when I heard tiny little cries fill the room. I looked at D. She was soooooooooo tired, but she managed to look so happy and emotion. I let a few tears escape, but when wiped them away. Don't be a wimp Niall. Your a father now.

"It's a girl." The nurse exclaimed, handing D our baby. She was tiny, all wrapped up in a pink blanket. She had few hairs on her hair and her eyes were like blue swimming pools. She was gorgeous, just like D.

"Do you want to hold her." D looked up beaming. I took her from her grasp and held her close to my chest.

"She's perfect. Just like you." I looked at D who was blushing. "What's her name?"

"I was thinking, either Amy, Cara or Hazel?" She said smilng.

"My favorite is Hazel. And her middle name can be Amy."

"Hazel Amy Horan." She smiled. "Nialler, if its okay will you I'm going to sleep. She fully laid down and shut her eyes. I kept looking at the beautiful baby that was in my arms.

"Hey baby. It's your daddy. I love you so much! Your going to be gorgeous like your mother. And well a bit like me." I chuckled. "Welcome to the world angel. Oh and by the way. Your not going to date till your 20!!" I laughed placing her in the clear cot. I watched as her chest rose.

The nurse then walked in.

"You have done a great job Niall." She whispered making sure not to wake Hazel.

"Thanks. For your help this past 8 months as she was a month early, I have a gift for you." I said.

"Oh you didn't have to!" She smiled. I handed her a small box which had a small charm bracelet in. She opened it and she smiled from ear to ear. She thanked me and soon gave me space. I was a nice man!

(3 hours later)

I woke up to voices. I fell asleep in the chair. I saw D was awake with Hazel in her arms and everybody was here. The lads, there girlfriends. I smiled, as they all kept saying good job mate.

"I'm so glad, she's out of me." D said.

"Yeah, I would of been worried sick!" Eleanor piped up. I looked over at D still cradling Hazel.

"I have a nickname for her,"

"And what's that Nialler?"

"Hazel boo." I smiled.

"Perfect" D smiled. I thinks she likes it. We have the perfect family ever!


Awww! Hazel boo is a great name! Loved making this chapter!



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