Is this for real? • Mutsuki Hajime

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Is this for real?
(Hajime X Reader)
Requested by: @jf512274


Nowadays, more idols are starting to pop out and shine like stars on stage. Ever since Procellarum and Six Gravity made their debut together, more idol units are starting to come out. For me, I'm crazy over idols because their smiles and fan-services makes my day.

I have been wanting to be an idol ever since I was young and now when I'm finally 16, a classmate whom I made friends with when I entered high school named Narumi, asked me to start building up my portfolio as an idol.

"But I am shy.." I said to her. She shook her head and took my hand in hers. "I believe in you, (y/n)!!" Narumi has always been the type that likes to kid around and no one would take her seriously because of her cheerful personality but today, right now, she looks like she is about to kill me if I do not listen to her.

"B-But I don't know where to begin, Naru..!" I panicked. I am finally starting but I don't know how. "It's okay. I've got you covered!" She winked at me.

Welp, it seems that her cheerful personality is back.

She took her phone out and started to call someone.

"Hello? Nii-san? This is Rumi. Are you busy?" She paused for awhile to listen to the person at the other line talk. "Is it possible if I bring my friend to the dorm? You said that you are alright with teaching her vocals right?" She paused again.

She then smiled suddenly and squealed. "Yay! Thank you Nii-san!" She hanged up the phone call and grabbed hold of my wrist. "Come with me." She grinned and flagged for a cab and dragged me in. Before I knew it, we are standing infront of a dormitory.

"Wow.. this building is big..." I thought out loud. She giggled cutely and excitedly pulled me into the building. The space inside are big too and there was an information counter which Narumi pulled me to.

"Hi! I'm Shimotsuki Narumi, visiting my brother." The lady at the counter smiled at her kindly and gave her directions to where she is suppose to go.

I looked at her and raised my eyebrows. "Isn't your last name Tsukino?" She shook her head. "I lied about my name because I didn't want my friends to know that my bother is an idol and I am afraid that they are only my friends because of my brother and his group mates. "Who is your brother?" I asked.

When the door of the elevator opened, there was a silver-haired male leaning on the wall and smiled at us when he saw us. Immediately my jaw dropped. "S-S-Shimotsuki Shun?!" I screamed.

"Oh my. Is that a fan you've got there, Rumi-chan?" He chuckled. Narumi shook her head and smiled at him. "Unfortunately, she is Hajime's fan. She is just shocked to see you." Shun smiled lightly as he brought us to where everyone was.

"Good evening." All of them stood up from their seats and greeted me in unison. "G-Good evening.." I bowed alittle and then looked at them. One by one. Hajime was there. He was sitting beside Koi.

Everyone was sitting around a circle table and there was two seats in between Hajime and Kakeru. Narumi snickered to herself as she took the seat closest to Kakeru, leaving the seat beside Hajime for me.

My heart was beating rapidly. I am about to seat next to Hajime, the leader of Six Gravity. I wanted to fangirl and ask for his autograph but I thought maybe that might scare him so I maintained myself.

Just when I was about to say something ridiculous and almost making a fool out of myself, Aoi, one of the middle group members from Six Gravity asked. "Are you alright?" I looked at him and smiled, internally thanking him for stopping me from being a fool.

"Alright, this girl here is Narumi's best friend and she wants to build up her posrtfolio in becoming an idol. Who wants to help her with her vocals?" Everyone raised their hands. Everyone except.. Hajime.

I caught Shun staring at Hajime for a while before sighing. "Ahh.. Alright. Since (y/n) is somewhere around the Junior's group, might as well let them experience something that they have never done before."

I looked over to the four Juniors and smiled at them. "Please do take care of me." The four of them all grinned and said in unison. "Please take care of us too."

Time passes fast when I was with the four of them. I had a lot of fun when I first recorded my very first song. "Congratulations, (y/n)! Your song was a really big hit on YouTube!" Koi patted my shoulder.

"Ahem." Narumi cleared her throat at the door of the recording rom and signaled me to go over to her. "I told Haji-nii that you wanted to at least sing a song together with him and he accepted!" She said cheerfully.

I was shocked.

Me? Singing with Hajime?? No way in hell this was true.

Hajime then popped out from the side of the door and looked at me straight in the eye. I gulped, hoping that he didn't hear it. "(Y/n)." He called out to me. "Y-Yes!" I replied shakily. "I've heard your song and honestly, I was impressed. So I decided to sing a duo with you." He said, looking away.

My heart started beating faster than usual and my heartbeat could be heard from my ears. That was how loud my heartbeat was. I stared at Hajime for a good few minutes before opening my mouth and said "Yes, please."

"Well, you have a lot more things to improve on if you want to sing with me. So be on time for vocal practices. I'll be guiding you." He continued as he walked off without looking back. Is something blooming from both Hajime and me?

I'm not sure.


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