Happy Valentines' Day • Kisaragi Koi

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Happy Valentines' Day
(Koi X Reader)
Requested by: @SyoKurusu_STARISH


"(Y/n), I would need a member from Six Gravity that is able to make chocolates for this new variety show that is for Valentines' day." My trainer, Tsukishiro Kanade, gave me a piece of paper that has the word 'Homemade Valentines' Chocolate'. "I'll do some research to see who is the best at making things like that." I bowed and he walked out of my office room.

I heaved a sigh as I sat down down onto my bouncy chair, thinking of who I would choose for the show.

"Mutsuki-san?" I whispered under my breath.

He is really busy so I don't think adding this show in his schedule will be good for his health..


Ahh... he is an otaku.. I don't think making chocolates will be his thing.


He is Mutsuki's partner.. as busy as him...


Ahh.. he couldn't express his feelings..


Too unlucky..!! Wouldn't want to have chocolates everywhere in the show..


Just when I said his name, my eyes glowed. "That's it!" I sprang up from my seat and rushed to where Aoi will be at. Looking at the schedule for the day for Aoi, he was suppose to be his break time at the dormitory.

"Aoi-kun!" I shouted and every Six Gravity members were staring at me. "What is it, (y/n)?" He asked with a confused look on his face. "I have a new job for you." I exclaimed. I then told him to step out to the hall way and I started explaining how he is the best choice out of the other 5 for this job and that it is a Valentines' day variety show.

"It's only for a day." I said. He looked at the side of the hallway for awhile and then turned back to me and smiled. "Sure! It's just a day and I'm free on that day anyway." My eyes sparkled and thanked him. Little did I know that at the back where the male restroom was, stood Koi who was eavesdropping from the opening.

"Now that everything is settled, I can finally sit down and enjoy my factories ice cream that I have been saving for this day!" I thought to myself as I walked back to my office with a little bounce with every step.

Just when I popped the remaining ice cream in my mouth, Koi came busting into my room. "(Y/n)!" He shouted, sounding alittle disappointed. I choked.

"W-What's wrong, Koikkun?" The pink-haired boy looked at me in the eye as though he is looking into my soul. "Why did you choose Aoi-Kun for the Valentines Day show?" I didn't know what to do. "W-Why not..?" He sat down on side of my table and sighed.

"I wanted to be in that show and I have been training for this.." I looked at his hands that was covered with band-aids and redness from the burns that he got not long ago.

"It's my birthday that day right? Please let me do it.. I want to do it!" He exclaimed. Koi looked so desperate when he expressed how much he wants to be in that show. So I decided to give him a chance. "(Y/n). I heard that there will be a competition in that show."

My eyes widened.

Competition? Why didn't I know that?

I stared at the pink head as he smiled. "When I win that match, will you be mine?" My heart skipped a beat. Was that a confession? I kept silent even when Koi left my office. "W-What was that..? Idiot Koi.." My heart couldn't stop beating furiously.

Finally it's Valentines Day.

Which means that everyone will be spending time with their date and loved ones. Here I am, holding a script with one hand and a bottle on the other. Koi was really silent when he is making the chocolates.

"Wow. Koikkun looks so intense when he is making chocolates." One of the emcee commented. Indeed Koi looks intense and really focused. Like he is making chocolates for his valentine date.. I could feel my face heat up suddenly. Flashback of him saying: "When I win the match, will you be mine..?"

I looked towards the competitor who looks really relaxed, like he knows what he is doing. A part of me really want that person to lose but most part of me wants this whole recording to end..!!

"Looks like both contestants are done making their valentine chocolate. Let's test it out." The emcee said as the other one nodded in agreement. I looked at their faces when they tried the other contestant's chocolates and nodded. "Not bad." They said to each other.

Next was Koi's. I could see it on his face that he was nervous. When he looked at me, I mouthed out a few words. "Believe in your chocolates." Was what I said. He nodded and looked ahead where the emcees were popping his chocolates in their mouths. Their eyes sparkled when the started chewing on the chocolates.

Everything happened so fast that the last thing I remembered was Koi running towards me and gave me a big bear hug.

"(Y/n)!" He exclaimed. "I've won the competition. So will you be mine..?" Everyone has their eyes on us, even the cameras. "K-Koi..!!" I screeched. "It's okay. Let the whole world know! Because I really love you (y/n)." He looked at me with tender-loving eyes and that melted my heart. "I love you too... Koi.." I replied as I returned his hug.


Next Up: Kisaragi Koi X Otaku!Reader

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