Unexpected • Kisaragi Koi

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(Koi X Otaku!Reader)
Requested by: @Professor-goose


Hello! It's Nyaa here! I am sorry but this is going to be a really short X Reader as I have alot of things piling up on my desk and I have projects to do. I am so sorry to the person that requested for this;;


I was on the way to the nearby animate shop where my friends told me about but.. I am alone. My group of friends were either busy with homework or they are working on that day. "Ehh.. Where am I.." I sighed, looking at my surroundings, hoping that it will give me some clues to where I am.

Just as I stopped at a park to take a rest, a teenage boy with rare bubblegum pink hair colour was sitting at one of the benches where I am. There was a vacant seat beside him so I walked over.

"Hi, excuse me." I opened my mouth to speak. He looked at me with a smile. "What's up?" He asked casually as though like I am his friend who knows him for a long time. "May I sit here?" I pointed to the seat beside him. He nodded and gestured me to sit. I thanked him and sat down like normal people would do. Just then, something caught my attention.

Is that -

"Is that the brochure to the newly opened Animate store?" He spoke first. I looked at him and nodded my head. "Y-Yeah.. but I'm lost.. I don't know where it is located at..." I smiled shyly at him. He looked at the brochure and grabbed my wrist.

"Come with me." I was shocked. "Eh..? Where are we going...?" He looked back and grinned with his signature smile. "To Animate." Before I knew it, we are at the doors of the store that I have been looking for. "Aaahhh...!! Animate!!!" I screeched.

He chuckled and led me in. "Come on! Let's go!" I looked around and my eyes found something that I have been looking for. "Ah." The both of us spoke in unison. "The last CD of 'Tsukiuta stage'." I said. "Ah, you can have it." He said, taking a step back. I took it and looked at him.

"Are you fan of Tsukiuta?" He asked me. I looked at the CD and shrugged. "I am not sure yet.. If I were to buy this CD, it will be my first time watching it." I replied. He smiled at me and patted my head. "Well, I hope you will like it!"

Suddenly, the pink-haired male's phone started rining. "Ah, Sorry. got to take this call." He smiled as he walked to a corner to answer his call. I looked at him for awhile before making my payment. After that, he came back to me with a paper on his hand. On the paper has a signature, phone number and a name 'Kisaragi Koi' on it.

"Here." He said as he gave me the paper. "My name is Kisaragi Koi and I got to go for now. This is my phone number. Please put this together with the CD that you have just bought!" He waved at me and ran away like he is in a rush. "I wonder where is he going?" I shrugged it off and went home to test out the CD.

When the CD was playing, I saw a familiar person on the stage. "Isn't that..?" "Hello fans! My name is Kisaragi Koi! Nice to meet you!" the speaker of my computer made a sound. "K-Koikkun...?" I was glad and happy that I went out today and got to meet one of the idols in Tsukiuta.

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