Chapter 2

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A/N: Sorry it took so long for me to update again!! Busy, busy, busy with all the tests and such in 3rd quarter!!! Well, heres the 2nd chapter. It gets a little more interesting, I hope.                           Vote and Comment please! Enjoy!


Katy and I took our seats in the back of the room, waiting for the class to start. People were chatting with their friends, so we started talking to each other. The teacher came as the bell rang, and he quieted everyone down before starting today's history lesson.

As he was talking, I let my thoughts wander as I gazed out the window. Of all things, my thoughts kept centering around the mysterious man. Was he a stalker? Why was he only staring at me? And how come Katy didn't see him?

Thinking about this, I got distracted when I saw the weather outside. Not two minutes ago, it had been bright and sunny and I could hear the birds chirping in their trees. Now, it was quiet outside, and the sky had turned a dull grey. I could see stormclouds in the distance.

The wind started to pick up, and the trees swayed. For a second I thought I saw a black figure skim in front of the window, but then it was gone. The class started to murmur to each other, and some looked scared. The teacher tried to get their attention.

"It's only a storm! It will-"

The windows blew open, and glass shattered everywhere. Students screamed, and basically trampled each other to get to the door and flee. I thought I was crazy when I saw dark figures swoop in through the windows. But no, it was not a dream. It was too real, and dreams don't swarm on top of the students and hold them back. Yes, that's exactly what they were doing.

I stood there as everything unfolded in front of me. I knew I should move, and Katy was trying really hard to make me do just that, but for some reason I stayed rooted to the spot. I knew that if we made a break  to the front of the room, we wouldn't stand a chance. Never before had I wished so much that we sat in the front.. So instead, no matter how dumb it seemed, I crouched down, pulling Katy down with me, and crawled under a table. Hopefully, those things wouldn't see us. It was wishful thinking. The teacher was yelling at everyone to get out. He hadn't seen us.

"Are you frickin' crazy?" Katy screamed in my ear. Her voice trailed off in the loud ruckus. She tried to tug her hand away but I kept holding on with an iron grip. She kept struggling. I knew I was endangering her by keeping her with me, but I didn't want to be alone.

One of the dark shapes whisked on top of a kid, Jeremy, I realized, and dragged him down. I watched in horror as he was engulfed in a swirling mass of black. Then, just as quickly as it happened, the shape released him and disappeared. My eyes grew wide as I stared at Jeremy. His face was pale, and his eyes were sunken with purple shadows underneath them. He trembled on the ground, He moved feebly, then went limp. I gasped in disbelief. He couldn't be dead-- could he?

Without thinking, I sprinted towards Jeremy's limp form. The teacher had literally just left, probably thinking that the room was evacuated. I checked Jeremy's pulse; it was beating faintly.

"D-doctor! We need a doctor!" I shouted stupidly, even tough I knew no one could hear me. I raced to the door, and yanked on the doorknob. It came free in my hands. I panicked. Katy and I were stuck here with an unconcious person in a room that was open to any of those attacking creatures. My heart thundered. I heard Katy say my name. I slid to the floor.

Katy was screaming something unintelligable. I only caught a few words.


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