Chapter 1

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If you like my story so far, tell me please! I've got more to write down for this book but I thought I should know if its going okay. I haven't gotten to the good parts yet but they're close by, so keep coming back! I add more everyday! And don't forget to vote or comment!


Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned and rolled over, groping my side table to shut my alarm off.

I sat up and blinked the sleep out of my eyes, slowly waking up.

"It's been a month and I'm still not used to that stupid alarm," I muttered.

Sliding my legs out of bed, I stood up and stretched. Walking to my closet, I picked out a casual outfit, then headed to the bathroom.

Feeling refreshed after showering, I slipped on my clothes and shoes and walked to the kitchen where I made my breakfast, which consisted of some toast and a glass of milk.

No one told me to eat more. No one told me to wash my plate and glass. No one to tell me anything.

No one to tell me anything. I felt a pang of sadness, but pushed it away. This was not a time for tears.

Consuming my breakfast, I scooped up my backpack and rushed out the door, just in time to welcome the bus.

I found a seat next to my neighbor, Cathy. Cathy was okay. She usually just kept to herself most of the time, and she didn't care who sat next to her. And she was never absent, so I never had to worry about not having a place to sit.

I made small talk on the bus, although everyone was always so sleepy there was hardly ever any chatter in the mornings.

As the bus came to a stop in front of her school, I stood up and slung my backpack over my shoulder. I gazed through the window at the large, tan building, surrounded by trees and green vegetation. Metea Valley High School.

As I exited the bus, a voice hailed me from behind, and I turned and--knowingly-- saw Katy.

Katy has been my best friend ever since I met her in kindergarten. Katy and I were both the same height, and both had similar interests and a few physical traits in common, but that's where the similarity ended. Sure, we were both tall and had the same hair length and skin color.

But Katy had black hair. I had dirty-blond.

Katy had gray eyes. I had green.

Katy wasn't afraid to be loud. I was only loud when necessary.

The good thing was, we both loved soccer, and thankfully, we were on the same team. Even though I'm pretty good myself, I wouldn't want to be on the team opposite of Katy's.

"Oi! Avalon! About time you got here! Why was your bus so late? I can't wait till this weekend," she said, completely forgetting her question,"My mom and dad are taking me to a Wilderness park!" Then she clapped her hands over her mouth and stared at me with wide eyes.

"Lucky!" I said, ignoring her sudden reaction. "Guess what I'm gonna be doing!?"

"What?" she said carefully.

"Sitting on my sofa and watching incredibly boring shows on T.V!"

Katy smiled. "That's awesome! You can-- wait, what?" she asked, confused.

I grinned, then laughed. "You are so gullible!"

Katy scoffed. "And you are so predictable."

After a few moments of useless bickering, we walked inside the school and headed to our lockers. Gathering our stuff, we parted ways to go to our classrooms. I walked towards the science room.

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