Respected Exams

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Respected Exams,

Did you notice the respect that I gave you? Well, you can be damn sure that it doesn't come from the bottom of my heart. Yet, what needs to be done has to be done.

It's almost 16 years now that we've been friends. My friends might debate this thing. Me calling you friends and all. But that's what I like to call you. Because just like my friends, you've been there with me all those years. You've seen my happy days and have even shares my bad. You've made my eyes water, both in joy and sadness. But more importantly, even though I don't like you, I know I can't leave you.

One of my friends had told me the name of that man who invented you. Is invent even the right word here? Honestly, I don't know. But the fact is, I don't remember that name now. Not just that name, there are many other things that I don't remember. I can always Google them up and tell you, but I don't know why, you've never liked it.

Why do you do that exam? Why do you want me to cram? I mean i can see how every action gives an opposite reaction. I can feel how my lower body stays glued to the bus when it halts. Then why do I need to remember them as the laws of motion? Why?

Sometimes, I feel like things were made complicated just so you could be satisfied. Is it true, exam?

Even if it isn't, I hope you're not mad. Because our friendship is going to last till eternity. My school friends have all scattered around the globe. Soon all these college friends would too. But you and me, we're to yet to travel to the moon and back.

I have many more things to tell you. But that's for some other day. For now, good night exam. We'll meet again tomorrow.

Sincere student

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