Chapter Twenty Seven <3 Labour

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" Peeta!" I scream, still clutching my stomach as the contraction claws at my insides, " Peeta!"

He comes rushing into the forest and drops to his knees beside me. " Are you okay?" He almost yells, " did someone hurt you!?"

" Peeta," I stutter, taking hold of his strong hand and squeezing it, as the discomfort rages on, " I think I'm going into l-labour."

Disbelief then shock registers across his face. " W-what? Right now!"

" Yes, right now!" I shout, and the contraction comes to a close.

" Oh-okay," he panics, " uh, let's take you to the beach first."

I nod, and he is about to scoop me up, but I refuse. So, instead, he helps me stand and wraps an arm round my waist. I wrap one round his neck and he helps me to the beach. I lie down in the sand.

Everyone circles round me, and Finnick sits closest to me. " What's happening?" He asks.

" I'm-" I'm cut off by a contraction and, Finnick being the closest, I grip his hand tightly, screaming through gritted teeth. When it's over, I finish, " I'm in labour."

Finnick gasps, then frowns. " What are we going to do?" He asks.

Beetee raises his hand and says, " I know a little about child birth," pushing his glasses further up his nose.

Peeta sighs, glancing at me. My terror reflects in his eyes. He strokes the hair from my eyes, smiling weakly.

Suddenly, I feel Johanna's hand on mine. I turn to her, and she smiles a little. " Good luck, brainless," she says. I laugh breathily.

" Very original," I say, laughing. She does too.

" Yeah," she says, " we good?"

I nod, " we're good."

She nods at me and stands up, grabbing her axe and standing towards the front of the small group that has gathered. " I'm gonna go wash Wiress a little," says Finnick. " I can still see some blood on her."

As soon as they're gone, a contraction comes and I grab Peeta's hand and yelp out. He strokes my hair gently, whispering soothing words.

When it's over, Peeta helps me take off my jumpsuit so I'm in my underwear. Beetee takes a look and tells me that I'm only two centimetres dilated, which my means I've got many painful hours ahead. . . On TV. . . Giving birth.

I scream as the worst contraction so far and Peeta takes my hand. I know it's killing him too see me like this, and that kills me.

This continues for six hours until Beetee takes a look and tells me I'm ten centimetres, it's time to push.

" You ready?" Peeta asks and the contraction hits. I push as hard as I can until it stops and I'm left panting. Peeta strokes the hair out my eyes.

This goes on for the next few hours, until Beetee says, " the baby's almost here, one more big push! You can do it!"

I shake my head in utter disagreement and say, " no, I can't, I can't do this."

" You can, Kat. One more and that's it." Peeta says. I take a deep breath and push.

Then relief settles over me, and I hear the soft wailing of my baby. A cotton blanket is placed over my frail, weak body and my baby placed in my hands. I gasp at the sight of my beautiful daughter.

" Peeta," I say, " she's here. She's here, finally."

I let my tears and sobbing break free and Peeta does too, he kisses my cheek and whispers, " you did it, Katniss."

" Do you want to hold her?" I ask. He nods, wiping his tears away. He scoops her out of my arms and stares down at her with such love that it makes my heart swell.

" What shall we name her?" Peeta asks.

" I think you should," I say with a smile.

" Are you sure?" He doesn't break contact with her. Then her eyes glad open, relieving huge blue oceans, just like Peeta's. He gasps and cradles her.

" Yes," I answer.

He looks thoughtful, then says, " Ivy Rue. Ivy Rue Mellark."

I look into the sky. " One more thing," I say. " Ivy Rue Abernathy Mellark."

He nods. " Perfect."

And she is.

- - - * * * - - -

First place prize goes to HannahVorhees, because she was the first person to say Ivy! Go check her out, she's awesome!

The baby's finally here! But what will they do now!?

Love you!

- J x 💋🍞

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