I've been feeling more lonely than usual and I think it's actually because of my relationship status as in not having a boyfriend anymore but I don't want to get into a relationship too fast because I'm still kinda eh. Also I don't really like anyone. So I'm just sitting here doing cringy little boyfriend quizzes and stuff like that for hetalia since everything else I used to be into is basically dead.
About 4/5 Nordic quizzes said Finland would be a match. (One was Norway.)
Then I took one of the "what do the ____ characters think of you?" quizzes.
Now my loneliness is too obvious for me to ignore it so I'm just kind of here being sad and thinking about past relationships while I feel sorry for myself because school starts tomorrow and I feel like I haven't done much of what I've wanted to over the break. It was all sort of a waste I guess.
If you want to rp with me, please pm me. I really don't have many people on right now and I need some more ships just for my cringy self-insert. I'll probably just work out or something later. I wish I had some new clothes as well. I just randomly thought about that. Sorry.
Please rp with me. I feel like I'm intruding when I message random people.
[12:00 PM]