Chapter 33: Laura

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Laura was about to say she didn’t know who Brian was when the young man in question approached them. A mousy-looking girl followed half a pace behind.

“Susannah. Hi.”

“Hey Brian. This is my girlfriend. Laura Pritchard.”

Brian stepped closer to shake Laura’s hand. “Oh my god. It’s such a pleasure to meet you. Your husband was such an inspiration to me. What he did to advance socialism—especially public housing—was groundbreaking. Best mayor in the history of Toronto.”

Laura shook the boy’s hand. She wished Susannah would remember to introduce her by her maiden name. “Thank you.”

“Wasn’t that crazy tonight?” Brian seemed to address everyone.

“Wasn’t what crazy?” Laura asked.

“At the speech. You know, Manuel Ruiz—”

“Oh, we weren’t there.” Susannah shook her head. “I know Dr. Rosenblum wanted us to go. But I had tickets to the film fest. I chose a date with my girlfriend over some boring speech I can read about in the paper tomorrow.”

Laura eyed Susannah carefully. She normally loved to watch politicians on their pulpits. Even if only so she could critically dissect the speech later.

“Yeah,” Brian said, “I’m sure you’ll be reading about this one in the paper. You’ll see it on the news, too, when you get home.”

Susannah snorted. “I doubt that. Ruiz might be king of his department, Solicitor General of Ontario and all. But local news doesn’t care if he says a few words on a campus riser.”

The girl with Brian tugged at his sleeve. “Maybe Mrs. Pritchard doesn’t want to hear about this from us.” She turned to look at Laura. “You look exhausted. No offense.”

“None taken.” Laura was grateful. “And you’re right. I am falling asleep on my feet.”

“Hear about what?” Susannah narrowed her eyes at the girl.

“Just watch the news,” Brian said. “Or listen in your car on the way home.”

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