Chapter 71: Laura

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 “An arrest? That’s wonderful news.” Laura clenched her telephone handset as she waited to hear the name.

“Jonathan Whyte.” Penny spoke quickly. She clearly had a thousand places to be, and on the phone with Laura ranked somewhere between least important and steam cleaning her curtains. “He’s a poli sci major at U of T. And get this—he was dating Harry Dunne’s granddaughter.”

“Wow.” Laura took a seat at her kitchen table. “Were we anywhere close with any of our motives?”

“Don’t know yet. I’ve shared our findings with the police, in case they’re helpful. They have a confession but they haven’t been available for my exclusive interview yet.”

“Are you sending a reporter? That Annabel girl?”

“Are you kidding? I’m taking this interview myself.”

“Of course. You must be excited.”

“Excited?” Penny seemed not to have heard of the word. “Certainly gratified.”

“Well, congratulations. I won’t keep you. Thanks for letting me know.”

“You’re welcome.” Penny took an audible breath in. “It’s been a pleasure reconnecting with you. We should go for drinks. Or dinner.”

“Sounds great.” Laura knew Penny was only being polite. There would be no drinks, or dinner, now that their business was complete.

Penny said, “Maybe one night this week? I’ll be in touch once I have a better grasp on my schedule.”


Laura clicked off the handset and stared out the window. Her backyard still looked like summer, though the leaves would begin to turn color soon, then cover the grass with several hours of raking work. Then a blanket of snow, and she’d be preparing one more turkey for her children who would spend as short a time with her as they could justify.

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