Chapter 1

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Felicity was standing in her living room - tapping her foot to the instrumental music that was being blasted from her iPod. After tonight, she needed the submerge of the music to fill her spirit.

The Count. A wretched man, to evil to comprehend. Maybe Dig was right, maybe she needed to start taking self defense courses. It was her fault after all that Oliver broke his promise. He says that it was no biggie, but she could see it on his face that he didn't mean it.

"Oliver?" she drew him back to her when they were alone in the liar. "I just wanted to say thank you, and I'm sorry," she said with a shaky voice.

Oliver took another step toward her with a creased brow of confusion.

"For what?" he asked her.

She sighed and said, "I got myself into trouble again, and you... killed him." He shut his eyes and she felt bad that she couldn't have stopped his pain. She was stupid and when bad came to worse, she couldn't do anything to help, the one thing above all else she wanted to do.

"You killed again, and I'm sorry that I was the person to put you in that position where you had to make that kind of choice," she wanted to say the words, get them out quickly so that Oliver wouldn't think of the situation much longer.

"Felicity," he said quickly not regretting his choice for a second. His warm and loving hand reached out to her cold body that was weak and confused. He took a closer step toward her having his warmth wash over her - just by his strong presence.

His eyes locked with hers in a caring gesture but serious. "He had you and he was going to hurt you," his voice made her head spin. His eyes were gentle and open. Oliver looked into hers showing his true self and said with nothing but the truth, "There was no choice to make."

I wish I could take the guilt off his shoulders, Felicity thought to herself.

She didn't hear the knock at her door. She didn't really want to, either. All she wanted to do was sit here and wait for her favorite TV show to come on. Watch that, and go to bed. Leave this dark night behind her. Maybe Oliver could do the same...

Felicity got up and wondered into the kitchen to check on her dinner cooking in the pot on the stove. She stared into the pot - seeing it bubble and boil. She didn't know why, but her mind drifted off to Oliver seeing the scene all over again. Seeing The Count's death. Ever since she has come home that's all that she has been able to think about.

The count falling out of the window - to his death - and the three green arrows that were plunged into his vile chest.

Oliver stood at Felicity's door, he could remember the phone call that The Count made to him so clearly. It was like it happened all over again - before he got into his car and drove himself here. The moment that he got home, landed on his bed and shut his eyes, he saw the whole mojo through his memories.

"Oliver? Is it okay if I call you Oliver?"

The count... Oliver thought. Why does he have Felicity's phone?

"Surprised to hear from me, right? Not as surprised as I was... You see, I find this not..." The count looks for the right word, "unattractive blonde getting all over my business. And what does she have on her?" The question was rhetorical, Oliver could tell so he stayed quiet, "A Queen's Consolidated ID badge. 'Now,' I said to myself, 'why does that name ring a bell?' Oliver Queen... He tried to buy off me last year, just before The Hood put me in a padded cell."

Oliver gritted his teeth angrily... If he has laid a hand on her, I'll kill him... his thoughts were in a deadly voice.

"Because he is in fact, the Arrow."

Steady Arrow (Oliver and Felicity - Olicity - Fanfiction) ~1st book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now