Chapter 57

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"Mrs. Smoak?" Tony Stark was sitting down at his home on a computer.

"Miss... Miss Felicity Smoak," she corrected with a poliet smile.

Tony smiled back too, and said bringing up what was bound to come up sooner or later, "Well, then Miss Smoak, I have basically been read everything about your life and know about all your night activities with the mysterious Green Arrow..."

There was an unasked question and an unsaid compliment somewhere in there so Felicity said back, "And I actually read your profile, Mr. Stark, and I see the formula for Jarvis." She smiled deviously, "I actually have him beside me on this other computer, Jarvis say, 'Hi.'"

The computer's voice appeared out of Felicity's home base greeting Tony Stark back in New York. "Sir, I do believe our fire walls could use an update."

Felicity scrunched her nose in agreement. Out smarting Tony Stark will have to be on her next resume.

Tony's thick eyebrows pulled together, and wonder about how that happened. "Jarvis can you, please, get on that before the new employee of Stark Industies find anything else about my activites? No one has ever done that before, Miss Smoak, how did you?"

"The number third method of hacking is to use an intergrated - secure - tool kit, apply it to a safe tight concurrent algorithme, derived from an active minor work cluster, embeded in a synchronized high speed architectural network."

Stark laughed to himself.

"What?" Felicity asked not getting the joke about what's so funny.

"It's just... when you say it like that, it sounds kind of dirty," Tony played with his mustache and Felicity blushed. Tony Stark, the pervert.

"I have a tendancy of doing that, I apologize," she said through the giggles. "It wasn't that hard, though. The hardest thing to crack was the files about S.H.I.E.L.D. which were on a different network altogether."

Tony's face dropped and he leaned forward. "Those were secure, set up by me, myself and I."

"Well, me and my nails can hack into anything, it just takes a little time," Felicity crossed her arms after wiggling her fingers.

Felicity cleared her throat, and her hands were sweaty across her chest as she propsed the offer she was hoping to get. She noticed that she got the job, but she wanted something a little more. "Listen, Mr. Stark, I'm not denying that I have a certain involment with the Arrow of Starling City, but I am also not going to deny that if I take up this job, I want to be involed with S.H.I.E.L.D. I want to help people, using my expertise."

Tony crossed his arms and his tounge ran across his lips slowly. It was kind of weird...

"Well, I'm convinced that you can join the team, but I don't run it."

"Nick Fury, right?" Felicity asked.

"Yeah," Tony said smiling at her brilliance. "Why are you just now comming to us, anyway, Felicity? Why not sooner?"

Felicity thought hard looking at Tony who was waiting for an answer. She swallowed and said, "I guess I just finially realized my worth."

"I'll take that answer," he said. "Hold on, I'll call Baldy."

Felicity giggled and her heart started pounding in her chest. "Jarvis pull up everything - and I mean everything - of Felicity Smoak and send it to Nick Fury, okay?"

"Yes, sir."

"Hey, Nick?" Tony smiled back at Felicity on the computer in the center of his home. "I have a proposal for you..."

Steady Arrow (Oliver and Felicity - Olicity - Fanfiction) ~1st book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now