Chapter 16

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Oliver knew that Felicity was going to drop the cup the second it entered her hands. She was trembling, and coughing and her eyes were rolling to the back of her head.

"Diggle!" he shouted catching Felicity before she hit the hard ground. "Do something!"

Diggle lifts Felicity's feet onto the same table Oliver was on a day before. "Get the paddles, she's stopped breathing."

"Do you think that's a good idea?" Oliver tried to remain in self control, but it was just hard watching Felicity collapse.

"Do I tell you how to shoot!?" Diggle said hurriedly noticing that - "Felicity is blacking out."

Oliver's feet moved around the table and got the machine. "Please, please.... Come on, Felicity..." Oliver moved out of the way while Diggle went to work on Felicity's chest.

"Oliver, take off your shirt and use it to elevate her head a bit." Oliver didn't ask why, just did what he was told.

Felicity barked his name, "O-O-Oli-"

"Shh," he said, "Shh, I'm right here." Help, she wanted to cry out. This hurts. Oliver, please help me... "I will," he said just about reading her mind, "This won't end like this."

Thank you for being with me... she thought, Thank you for letting me be in your life.

Oliver's heart was racing a million miles a minuet. Should he leave her and get the cure? Was the skull man talking about Thea? Or his Mom? No, it was the one he loved. The way it was said... No, it wasn't Thea, or his Mom.

What about Laurel? he thought. I don't think you love her, a voice inside Oliver said, but look at Felicity. Really look. What do you see?

And Oliver did look. He saw the smile that could make Starling City look like a firefly. He saw the real girl, no the real woman, that she was, that was lying beneath the surface of those genuine blue eyes.

The always thought that Laurel was unique, that she was one of a kind and unpredictable, but now, comparing Felicity to Laurel, Laurel was predicable, and drama related, someone that he had to keep secrets from. Felicity was unique, and quirky, and he could always, if he ever needed to talk to someone, and tell them the truth, he could tell her, and she would listen, with open eggers ears. There was need for lies between them, he could see now how perfect she was, and how alive with hope and desires.

Felicity was the only person he could ever be with, he could see that now, she was the only one. And he wanted her to be the only one.

Diggle walks around the table with the paddles in his hands. He waits for the charge and said, "Clear." Having Felicity's chest snap up, Oliver cries out with a tear running down his face. He squeezes her hand.

"Felicity," he cried out, "please... I need you, don't leave me... Please, Felicity, I need you to fight. Take a breath... start your heart. Without you, I am nothing, without you, I can't be the hero you think I am. Please, Felicity, fight it." Oliver looks at the screen waiting to see the waves of her heart beat.

Felicity's chest snaps up and then flops down onto the table again.

"Come back to me," he whined, "Please Felicity, come back to me..." He swallows seeing her chest rise and fall again. "We have so much more to say to one another, I'm sure you'll come up with something... I'm sorry that I'm not the best company, I know that I'm not. We are so face apart, but you help me become a better man. Someone who you can be proud of... You have a life to live, one that is full of dreams and passion.

"Your life still has a chance, you just have to take it. One of mystery and excitement. Please, don't let that slip from your grasp. Don't let us slip from your grasp. There's still so much I want to say to you, so much more I want-" Oliver choked on his tears. He was crying, a weak a useless thing to do, and he vowed to never do it again, but now, here, holding Felicity's hand, watching her body become lifeless, he was so stupid to not tell her about his feelings.

"Clear!" Dig said pushing the paddles onto her chest.

Felicity's chest rose up and a gasp escaped into the air from her ruby lips. Felicity sat up ever so quickly and started breathing so rapidly that her whole body started to shake.

The waves started to show on the machine, and the beeping of the electronic made Oliver's heart slow.

Life before both their eyes, Felicity's and Oliver's both went into slow motion. Her hair moved over her face with every breath she drew, and Oliver's eyes didn't want to close in fear that Felicity's beating heart was a dream.

"Felicity?" he whispered a hand whisking around her sweet face. Her breath was deepening and her eyes closed with exhaustion.

"Oliver?" Felicity fell back on to the table - Oliver's arms guiding her down.

"I'm right here..." He whipped his tears away.

"I'm so tired," she mumbled, "I'm so tired..."

"Shh, just sleep now, it's alright... just sleep."

Oliver stayed by her side for a very long time, but soon, Diggle tore him away. "You have to get the cure," he said to Oliver, "I'll stay with her."

"I don't want to leave her," Oliver admitted to him, "She's the world to me."

Diggle placed a hand on Oliver's shoulder, "I know, I'll keep her safe."

"I can't leave, I won't leave..." Oliver forced himself to look away from Felicity. "Go get the cure?" Diggle knew this was a question, and he had to make the final one, but Oliver would give all the riches he had so that he would be able to be here when Felicity woke up.

"Okay," Diggle said grabbing the arrow suit. "I'll go get it..."

"Thank you," Oliver said sincerely. "Thank you..."

Diggle left then, leaving Oliver to listen to Felicity's even breaths.

Steady Arrow (Oliver and Felicity - Olicity - Fanfiction) ~1st book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now