"Hug" It Out

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A hug. A simple hug can be comfort, warmth and all the fuzzy things life can offer. It takes some of us to a galaxy of beautiful fragrances and the other lot to a place of peace and neutrality.

If it's done right, though, it can escalate to so much more. It can plant such a vulgar message in the two beings sharing it. Bare chests exchanging heat and maybe a couple of sweat beads would fuse from the intense heat of a stage.

After a merciless pounding on the drums, I didn't think twice about taking my sticky shirt off. Apparently, neither did Tyler when he took his off after draining himself in front of tonight's raging crowd. The dressing room never felt any warmer. Everything was making my head spin with both happiness and fatigue. And still, a hug happened- a hug that was uncalled for. Our noses started taking in each other's scents, hands diving down each other's backs and heavy pants making their way out as we slowly lose adrenaline from the hype. At this point, I even found myself asking whether it was because of the hype or the tension. It was me and him now and I couldn't say no to that.

With my hands on his plump, jean-coated ass, I pried on his neck, metaphorically feeding off of his moans and literally off of his soft, sweat-covered skin. I kept pushing myself further onto him with every bite, every nibble, every groan until his slender legs couldn't hold his vulnerable form anymore. He took me down with him and even then, I didn't stop. How could I when he was pushing against me, begging for me, his eyelids tightening faster than his jeans? God, was he asking for it.

Fifteen minutes later, my name sounded fainter and more hoarse coming from him. "Josh", he whispered one last time, his smaller hand had my hair in a tight but slowly loosening grip, the other leaving that night's final scar on my back. "Shhh. You've earned some peace." I tried to comfort him, but my flustered face and my inability to stand back up did not encourage him to stand either. We were both exhausted, refusing to admit it but showing it strongly.

"Come on." Tyler was always the emotionally stronger one between the two of us. He's the one who eventually helps me straighten up because strength of will becomes physical strength- that was something I didn't believe before Tyler came along. There's many things I didn't believe before him like being able to control a crowd with a ukulele and drowning your depressing insides in a bandmate's chest.

That takes us back to the first of my concerns- the hug. A hug started it all it was definitely what was going to be the end of me. Even then, as long as Tyler's the one in my arms, it will never be "a hug". That being said, I'm not about to complain nor will I ever in the future. You don't find something that beautiful to hold very often after all.

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