Chapter 1

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"Let's return to the mainland Peter" Wendy had no idea the trouble and pain that were behind those words, but still, she let them flow out effortlessly.

All the lost boys immediately looked at her scared, for they knew what was waiting for them at Mainland. School. Rules. Parents. Jobs. They would rather be caught by Hook than go back there.

"Are you crazy Wendy?!"
"We would all have to go to school!"
"We wouldn't be able to play all day!"
"What about the fairies?!"
"What about Hook?!"
"And we would grow!"

At that's last statement Peter opened his eyes from playing the flute and glared at Wendy, everyone had turned silent.

"We will not leave this place Wendy, this is our home"

"But Peter what about your future? School isn't so bad! You can learn to read and count, you can make a lot of friends, besides at lunch you can play and after school too!" Wendy looked around at the lost boys hoping they would budge a little, but they were all looking at Peter, if he didn't give the approval she knew they wouldn't go with her.

Once she saw Peter wasn't going to answer she sat beside him and held his hand, "just one year Peter"

He looked down from her hand to her vibrant green eyes, there was something magical about them that always made him weak.

"Just go back for one year, try school out, one where you have a dorm, you won't have to find parents, you can all stay together. If by the end of the year you still want to come back, I will return with you and tell you stories everyday!"

Well that got him, no one loves Wendy's stories more than Peter Pan, he would only have to stay in the human world for a year, and then Wendy would tell all the stories he wanted. It seemed like a fair trade right?

"Hmmm, alright-"

All the lost boys started screaming and celebrating, jumping around, shooting their arrows. What more of an adventure than that of going to Mainland with Peter.

"Alright calm down boys, get your things ready so we can leave first thing tomorrow" Wendy laughed at their enthusiasm, happy she got to go back to her family with more friends that she could imagine. She glanced at Peter and saw him smirk her way, she just shook her head with a smile already knowing that he was just holding on for a year just so she could be his story teller.

Night fell and everyone was asleep, everyone but Peter of course. He glanced at Wendy's sleeping face and smiled, if he went to the Mainland they would both grow up, and he was very curious as to how beautiful Wendy would be when she grew, but he quickly shook his head and flew out of the hideout, he couldn't be thinking about that, he would come back in a year and still be a kid forever.

He just floated around the hideout looking at the stars wondering why there were so many, he only ever traveled through one, he never dared to go through another one afraid that he might get lost and never come back. 

Wendy woke up to find Peter gone and being the curious lad she was she went out and started looking, and she found him alright, he was just floating there looking up at the sky. 'He wouldn't be able to fly anymore in the Mainland.' She thought.

"Peter?" Peter turned back to Wendy with a smirk knowing she would've come out for him sooner or later.

He flew down to her and picked her up by the waist before going up and giving Neverland one last tour.

"I'm worried about the fairies Wendy, Hook might try to capture them again when we are gone." She looked up at him and touched his face smiling at his worry, he was too good of a boy to be here for the rest of his life, when they got back Wendy planned to convince him to stay, stay with her and grow up together.

"They will be alright Peter, they're stronger than you think, everyone believes in them now." Their eyes met and for a second their faces seemed to get closer, their eyes lost on each other, their lips itching for another Kiss.. but it was too soon.

They both looked away from each other faces all red from blushing, it couldn't be helped, they were but 14 years old and still too young to know about love. Still the bond they shared was too unique.

Peter looked forward and started flying holding onto Wendy, something he would miss doing when they got to the Mainland. He glanced down at her and saw her face light up when they reached the Mermaid lake, that was one place Peter wouldn't take Wendy again, as much as she loved mermaids they were just too jealous of her beauty and his affection towards her.

He kept on flying and they saw the fairies home, the biggest tree in all of Neverland, and it shone as bright as the night he and Wendy danced to their music, that night was his favorite, he got to see Wendy's eyes shine the most when he took her dancing up in the air. Looking down at her he saw her cheeks reddened and smiled knowing she was thinking the same as he.

Peter flew up even higher and spun them around as he did that night, he held her hand in one of his and her waist in his other. Dancing slowly he smiled when she laughed and spun around on her own, floating a little lower than him knowing if she were to fall he would catch her.

"Why would you want to leave Neverland Wendy? Are you not happy here?" He grabbed both of her hands in his and looked into her eyes waiting for an answer.

"I miss my family terribly Peter, and I wish to see you and the boys grow up, live happily around..." her pause made him lower them to the ground worried for her answer.

"I want you to grow beside me Peter, I want you to see the world and it's wonders with me, I know it's a bit much to ask and you will probably want to come back after a year, but I don't want you to miss out on anything, even if I only have a year to convince you to stay I will try." She looked into his green eyes, smitten by them, she knew how she felt, girls always matured faster than boys, and she knew he knew not of his feelings, but she wanted him to see the world and fall in love with it as much as she had fallen for-

"I wish to grow up too Wendy." His answer made her thoughts stop short. "And I want to see the world too, with you and the boys, but I don't want to work at an office for the rest of my life and come home tired, and do the same thing again the next day and the one after than." He let go of her and walked a little forward wondering why he even told her that, he knew she would get angry at his answer, same as she did last time.

"Oh Peter, you don't have to work at an office, you could study different languages and go traveling the world and find different unique jobs at each, never having to settle down, you can't even imagine how big the world is." Her answer made his mind thing about it, he was torn between coming back in a year and listening forever to Wendy's stories or if-

"Besides if we do travel the world I can find even more stories to tell you about. About different places and people we meet, they all have different stories to tell Peter, I think no one more than you would love to listen to those stories." Well that sure made his mind turn, more stories than he could imagine, he would have to grow up to listen to them though, was he willing to pay that price?

They went back to the hideout in silence and crept into their separate beds, catching a good nights sleep before the big day ahead of them with thoughts running endlessly through their minds.

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