section one, part one: introductions

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Kyoko... wa... up...


I sat bolt upright, my eyes wide. "Wha- who's there?!" I yelped, springing to my feet. I reached for my soul gem, prepared to transform and attack whatever threat had woken me up.

"Kyoko, calm down!" Firm hands gripped my shoulders. I looked up, squinting slightly. My vision was blurred, my head pounding. I could just barely make out the face of the girl I had ran into earlier, her purple eyes alight with fury. Had I done something to make her angry?

"Kyoko, look at me." Homura slapped my cheek, not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to snap me out of the trance I was in. "Focus."

I scowled at her now-clear face. "Did you really have to slap me?"

Homura narrowed her eyes. "I had to do something, and I had to do it quickly. We are in grave danger."

I frowned. "Danger?" I echoed. "Why? What's going on?"

Homura released me, backing away with a grim look on her face. "Come with me." She grabbed me by the hand, running out of the classroom door with me in tow.

"Hey, stop!" I yelped, struggling to plant my feet in the ground. "What's going on?! Where are you taking me?!"

"We don't have time for explanations," Homura replied stiffly. "There is something you need to see."

I reluctantly let her lead me down the hallways of the school, not pressing her for any further information. I could tell that no matter what I said, she wouldn't budge. She seemed like the stubborn, silent type of person.

Before long, she skidded to a halt in front of a large steel set of double doors. She turned around, facing me with a grim look on her face. "Stay by me," she warned. "I have a bad feeling about all of this."

I narrowed my eyes, wrenching my hand away from her. "I'm not going anywhere with you until you tell me exactly what's going on."

Homura sighed, lowering her gaze. "I saw something that unsettled me," she admitted after a long moment. "It looked a bit like the creature we call Kyubey, but... half of it was pitch black with a scar for an eye."

I stared at her in numb shock. Kyubey? The creature who made contracts with humans?

No way. I clearly remember him being pure white. So what's this bull about him being half-black?

"Aww, you were probably just seein' things," I told her with a dismissive wave of my hand. "No way that dumb cat followed us in here. Plus he's pure white, remember?"

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