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"Mom, dad! I'll see you tomorrow!" I called as I ran out the door to Mia's car.

"Ah! I'm so glad to see you, there girls are all waiting at my house."

"I've missed you all."

I walked into Mia's house only to be surrounded by a group of excited girls.
We all sat down around her bedroom and chatted away. I was so glad to be with them, but I worried they were going to ask me about Harry. It's been about two amazing weeks since he told me I was his girlfriend. They didn't know that I now return his feelings.

Amber looked nervous as she opened her mouth.
"Guys, I'm-I'm pregnant."

We all freaked out, trying to comfort her as she cried. She said it was an accident, and she wishes she could take it all back.
When we asked how far along she was or who the dad was she would just cry harder.
"Can we please just change the subject? I want to have a good time tonight and not have to think about this." She said meekly. We all decided to change the subject but then in about fifteen minutes.....

"So, Evelyn, today at work I saw that Harry picked you up!"

Crap. I didn't realize she saw. "Yeah." I didn't look super freaked out so I guess they thought it was okay to tease me and Harry.

"Is he still being a creep?" Rose asked.
"I wonder how many STDs he has!" Violet laughed.
"God. He's slept with so many girls. It's disgusting. I've been going to this one bar and everytime I go there, there's always a different girl reminiscing about a one-night stand with Harry." Mia added. I was a little ashamed at what she was saying. I hated that he has slept with so many girls.

I noticed Amber was being especially quiet, but I put that to her pregnancy scare.

"He's actually not a creep...not really."

"You're actually defending him?" Violet shook her head.

"Guys...Harry and I...we..."

"Oh. my. god. Did you sleep with him?!" Rose shrieked.

"How big was he?! I've heard he's MASSIVE! Didn't hurt?" Violet looked so astonished.

"Guys! We didn't sleep together. We've done...stuff, but we haven't gone all the way. I swear. But him and I, we are kind of...together." I smiled as I said the last part.

I heard Amber sniffle.

"Are you crazy? Harry doesn't do girlfriends." Mia shook her head.

"Well, I'm different." I wasn't sure how much information I should disclose to them.

"Babe, that's what every guy tries to tell a girl when he wants in her pants! I hate to break it to you, but he's gonna break your heart once he gets what he wants. Don't be stupid." Mia wasn't always the best at letting people down easily.

"I'm not being stupid!" I told them part of the story. I told them that he saved me from being raped, he comforted and took care of me when he found me at Caleb's grave, and the story he told me about how we both planned to get married when we were children.

"He didn't forget, but I did. He's been so sweet to me!"

"Has he pressured you into sleeping with him since you guys decided to be together?"

"Not really..."

"Aren't you worried he'll eventually get bored with you?"

"I don't know...."

"Has he touched you when you didn't want him to, has he forced himself on you?"

"No." I lied. He did force himself on me when everything first started, but they didn't need to know that. "Look, can we please change the subject? I feel like you guys are judging me."

"We aren't, we're just worried that's all. But we'll talk about something else if you want us to." Mia let out a sigh.

We heard a timer go off. "Evelyn and Amber, can you guys get the cookies I made out of the oven? And maybe put together some snacks? I would do it but I'm still sore from the gym."

We both nodded and made our way out to the kitchen.



"What do you think of Harry and I?" She remained silent.

I always was a little jealous of Amber's looks. She had startling green eyes with gold flecks surrounding her pupils. She had thick, long eyelashes that contrasted well with her eye color. Her light brown hair always fell in waves on her shoulders. Her cheeks bones were well defined and they always had a natural, rosey glow about them. Her lips were always smooth-looking and perfectly shaped.

All of that was great but what I was really jealous of was her body. She had great muscle tone, not too much, not too little. She had a good amount off boob and butt, even though she was pretty skinny.

"Um, I don't know. I guess it would be easy to fall for him. He's got that bad boy thing going on. He makes his butterfly tattoo seem badass! And that rose tattoo of his as well...He's really attractive, especially with those green eyes of his. And when he gets angry...holy shit can that be hot. His male presence is overpowering. So, I can see why you would like him...." Her voice trailed off.

She described his charm well...really well.

"I just know that he's...um, notorious for getting girls to fall for him and then leaving them to pick up the broken pieces once he's shattered their heart." She looked down at the ground.

"You seem to know him well....have you seen him around or something?" I knew Amber loved clubs and Harry would always hang out there, she must have seen him interacting with girls.

"Or something..." She looked at the plate of veggies we were preparing.

I thought back to her words. He even makes that butterfly tattoo of his look badass.
It's true. He has a butterfly tattoo on his torso, right between his pecs and abs. You wouldn't have known it was there unless you had seen him with his shirt off. She also talked about his rose tattoo. He got that just the other day. He'd taken me out to this one garden center, and there were a bunch of roses there. So, afterwards we went to the tattoo parlor and he got that tattoo as a souvenir of our date. It was so cute.

Wait a minute......


"Yeah, Evelyn?"

"How'd you know about the butterfly tattoo? It's hidden under his shirt...And the rose tattoo, he just got that, I was with him......"

But before I could finish, she ran to the bathroom as she proceeded to throw up into the toilet.

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