Chapter Eight- The Plan

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Ashira stood in the hallway, her long wavy hair pulled up in a loose bun. She was waiting for that thief to be finished with the bacta tank. Hopefully he wouldn't shoot her head off when she talked with him.

The princess was growing impatient, and as the two men stationed outside the door went to lunch, she snuck inside. Instead of finding Orion in his usual attitude- rude and sassy- she found him still up in the bacta tank, sleeping soundly. Ashira looked him over. His black hair was drifting above him, and his breaths were even and steady. Her eyes ran down to his chest. He had a wiry build, and was extremely tan- making the scars on his chest pop out like a sore thumb.

She went closer to the glass. The burn on his leg had greatly improved, it was in fact almost gone. 'How did he get so many injures?' She thought to herself as she exited the room, just before Orion opened his eyes.

One hour later

"Well, that sure was an experience." Orion told Cassian as they headed to get food. He was feeling much better, and he practically glowed from being so healthy and clean. Cassian looked likewise.

"So, how are you enjoying Yavin -4 so far?" Cassian asked Orion once they got their food. "Well, I got shot in the stomach, a princess got on my nerves, and I had a panic attack. I say that my I am having a splendid time." He said in a monotone voice. Cassian sighed, rolling his eyes. Someone called Cassian's name, and the two men turned around.

"There's Jyn, we better go to her before she kills me." Cassian chuckled, and together the two went to the furious woman. "Cassian Andor! Do you know how worried I was about you?" She said angrily at him. "You were out for three whole days Cassian, three days of me not getting any sleep-"

Cassian interrupted her by pulling her into a hug, kissing the top of her head. "I- I was so scared Cassian." She whispered, not as angry before. "I'm okay now Jyn, I'm okay." He mumbled.

Orion watched the two couple. Secretly, deep down inside, he wanted someone he could love. He never really had anyone, ever since his parents died when he was five. Sure, Ras took care of him, but that wasn't love.

Jyn looked up. "Who are you?" She asked, still in Cassian's embrace. "Orion." He said simply, burrowing his feelings down. It was pretty easy for him, he had been doing it for awhile. "Jyn Erso." She said, looking at Orion. His stomach rumbled. "Well, I don't know about you Cassie, but this man needs food." He said, getting a glare from Cassian. He mumbled something about nicknames, as Orion ate his food.

Some sat down next to him. It was the princess. "Hey" she said to Orion. He looked at her from the corner of his eye, and continued eating. "Can- can we talk?" She asked, after he swallowed. Orion looked at her confused, before muttering "sure". They stood up, walked out of the dining hall.

"Well, I came earlier this morning to talk about why you were here." She said, looking up at him. He was a good foot taller then her, so she had to bend her neck just to look at his face. "So, why am I here?" Orion said, arching an eyebrow and leaning against a wall.

"Well, I joined this rebellion two years ago. Mon Mothma didn't want me doing any reconnaissance missions, well, she didn't want me doing anything dangerous. However, she said I could have a team to protect me."

"Kardaria and Andreas kinda showed up here on accident a couple months ago, so I chose them. However, you were the man I wanted on my team. So I asked Akana to get you. That was a year ago, and suddenly she showed up yesterday with a sedated criminal in the co-pilot's chair." She said chuckling. "Look, I understand that you might not want to do this, but I really hate the empire, I know that you do too. We- we could really make a change." She said that last part in a whisper, looking up at him. Orion didn't respond.

Ashira sighed and walked away. "So, when do we start?" A voice said behind her. She whirled around, only to see Orion looking straight back at her. "I mean, the empire's not going to overthrow itself. And the sooner we're done here, the sooner I can finally be left alone-" Ashira cut him off by hugging him tightly, but quickly let go, her face bright red. "Sorry, just excited." She said, looking at him, smiling embarrassed. She rushed off.

Orion watched her leave, a small smile gracing his face.

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