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{I've had this particular rant as a draft for a few weeks now. After much deliberation, I've finally worked up the courage and decided to post this. Thanks for the read, no matter what you believe. <3 (dat partial rhyme tho)}

Edit: Sorry for offending. It is my belief that homophobia is not "just an opinion" when it denies the wellbeing of a large population of people. Denying rights to this group is denying them the right to be considered human (see "natural born rights," most documents that founded America), and that is unacceptable.

There are two happy people in love, right? There's person A and person B. These people are in love and want to start a family. Person A wants to commit to their religion, while person B wants the financial benefits that come along with marriage (eh, too complex to delve into. But there are definitely monetary perks to have a legal document saying that Person A/B love each other.). Person A and Person B saved up all their money for their wedding, hoping to be able to combine their minimal incomes when they become married, and then they could afford a nice house and food to eat. They didn't want a ceremony with a big entrance and a DJ with a bass that breaks the windows, or wine that the Queen would drink and a big money photographer. They just wanted their names on the same paper, hoping that they could begin a wonderful life together without all of the commercialism. Doesn't that sound beautiful?

It does sound beautiful doesn't it? Just a plain, simple signing of names, and suddenly, they're given new titles and an eternity together.

Alright, if you're a homophobic who's afraid of strong people, leave, because this will offend you. If you're okay with hearing other people's views, great. Stick around, I have a story to share.

You could be the nicest person in the world in theory, but if you have any beef for gays, I am judging you, sorry.

"But homosexuality goes against my reli--" Judging you.

"It says it in the Bi--" Judging you.

"One time a gay person hit on me and I was so scared that he would--" Judg-ing. You.

So I am as pro-homo as a straight person can get. Hell yeah, if you're homosexual, keep doing what you're doing, you're hella awesome (not to mention bad-ass - do you know how many people try to deny their feelings in fear of the homophobics? Kudos to you, my friend.). I've grown up around the art community, and if you didn't accept the gay community, well, you pretty much ruled out a decent number of artists. (It's not stereotypical/offensive of me to say that a homosexual person would be in the arts community, before you start: this is literally how I experienced it.)

I know people go against homosexuals because it's against their religion, but, honestly, there are so many other things that were claimed sinful in the Bible that people use today. I'm a little rusty on my Bible, but isn't this whole "homosexuality = sin" thing from the Old Testament, as opposed to the New Testament, which may or may not be slightly more relevant to today? Welcome to the twenty-first century, home of touch-screen electronics, microwavable popcorn, and change.

(lol ya remmbr wen afrikan merikans were sed 2 b lowr than wites? lol weird hah i cant blieve dat we did dat 2 dem lyk y bc now they hav all the same rites as wite ppl. "Change.")

Like, sure, religion is a big impact on people's lives, I can see that. I have seen that. If Jesus is your home-skillet, you keep doing what you're doing. But what does hating someone because of who they love do to you personally, ah? And then gay marriage - hmmmmm do I smell controversy? Why oppose gay marriage? This isn't sarcastic or sardonic or anything of that sort. I am actually curious. Like, they're just two people getting married - what's all the hype?

You know that little scenario I used as an intro? It would never happen. Because Person A and Person B, despite how much they love each other, despite the lengths they would go to help each other, they wouldn't be able to marry. Why? Person A and Person B wouldn't be able to live a happy life together because they're the same gender.

The pure idea, oh my goodness, how do I explain this to children? The pure idea.. Wh-Why I NEVER. Horrifying. 

So, how does gay marraige affect you personally, hm? Will you be forced to turn gay? No. Will you be kicked from your religon? Probably not. Will the world suddenly perish in flames? No. Will gay people come and attack you? If you keep up this mindset, they might.

Will you be personally affected by the idea of people of the same sex joining hands in marriage? How will your life change? It won't. If anything, people'll be happier. For all you know, your neighbor, your best friend, your teacher - they could be homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, anything. They could be so afraid of everyone, so afraifd of themselves, even, because of people like you. With the legalization of gay marriage all around the country, the world; a new side could emerge from them: security. 

Hah, okay. 

My city, living in the southern part of America (not to be confused with South America), is fairly "we are all straight and we will keep it that way." Very stubborn with their beliefs. And I always have that urge to throw a brick at someone.

So recently, my city passed a bill that said, purely, that gay people are not allowed to be harassed. That's it. It didn't say that homosexuals were suddenly superior, it didn't say that they were going to overthrow the government, it didn't even say that they could marry. It took my governor more than enough time to just to pass a bill saying that you cannot harass someone based on their sexual preference. And it had taken more than long enough to pass it. (I don't remember specifics, forgive me.)


*urge to throw bricks intensifies*

I don't know about you, but I think passing a bill saying that you can't harass someone should not be under long consideration. Like, that's pretty obvious to people of all races, genders, and sexual preferences. It should be obvious: Hell no, these people should not have the fear of walking these streets as an openly gay/bi/pan/etc person and getting harassed. We want our citizens to be secure and not concerned for the safety of their well-being just because they view the world differently than everyone else.

I go to an arts school. Half of the population is anything other than straight. And guess what? No one gives a damn. We're all friends. We don't hate people if they're gay, we hate them if they're mean. We don't love people if they're straight, we love them if their nice, interesting, fun to be around. I think it's time we stopped being afraid of the unknown.

I always like to think of things backwards. Like, what if everything was switched? What if the heterosexuals were the hated ones? What if heterosexuals were the ones harassed, undermined, denied marriage, driven to suicide?

Think about it.

Think about everyone you know.

Think about your parents, aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, friends, teachers, neighbors, people you see on the street, those same people you see in the grocery store, even people you have never met. They all have a story. They all have a reason for being where they are, maybe a reason why they're there at the same time as you. You may not know their name, their background, their family, their sexual preference, but just by looking at someone, you know that they are human. We are all human. Sexual preference means nothing when it comes to you as a person.

(There's this 20 minute short film that I've seen that covers this exact topic. Extremely powerful and derived from true experiences. I highly suggest watching it. I put the link in the little description thingy. TRIGGER WARNING.)

So tell me, does hating someone because of their preference make you any better of a person?

vote if you have an opinion on homosexuality.

I know this rant isn't all that organized, but it was something. (Thanks for 100+ reads, you guys!) And I apologize if you're offended by this. For reals. This was just a heated rant. I still love you.)

I love all of your comments so far. Differences make the world go round.

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