Could You Be Any More Rude?.

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Ah, dear friends, welcome.

^^ Take note, ladies and gentlemen. Belive it or not, this is something essential to social interaction that people don't understand: Greetings. Wow. Very excite, much wonder. 

Too many times this year I have been stuck in awkward situations in which my friends bring their friends, whom I don't know, and carry on conversation as if either I or them isn't in the room. This random person and I just exchange awkward glances, like, "Uh, who dis." And our mutual friend doesn't do anything about it! Like, hello, why did you bring me? I'm more of a let's-talk-to-people person, less of a let's-make-awkward-eye-contact-for-half-an-hour girl. Thanks.

For instance, I had a friend at one point who would, after telling me to come over to her house, I would come, pumped as fuck for late-night Super Mario Bros battles and cheesebruger Doritos. But then, she'd take me to places around her neighborhood, making sure I got to know everyone on her street, without actually introducing me.

Like, ugh, this makes me cringe with second-hand embarassment. We'd walk into one of her neighbor's houses, and she'd just walk in. Everyone would say hi to her, and then get really confused when some random girl followed her. I didn't know what to say, as I suffered from Awkward as Hell from ages 9-forever. So, I'd just follow her around like a lost puppy. I'd have to learn everyone's names by ear. During our friendship, I crashed two birthday parties, a new years eve celebration, two barbeques, and about four random occurences where we'd just show up. They were the most awkward experiences of my life. No one was entirely sure what to do with me, so it was kinda, "Here, uh, weird kid. Since you're here have some pizza, I guess."

And my friend didn't have a clue to the sort of traumas I was undergoing. She knew everyone, but she forgot the fact that I didn't. She'd walk around expecting that I'd absolutely love to hang out with people who had to oblige to have me in their home because they didn't know who I was, where I was from, but that they knew I was friends with my girl right there.

We soon grew apart, as living across the city and not going to mutual schools gradually drove a stake between us. But those memories of that constant fear of not being welcome to a certain event - that clings to me like a prostitute to Channing Tatum (apologies to all the prostitutes out there. But he's still beautiful.).

Since this friendship ended, I have this constant aggravation that is caused by people who don't bother to introduce their friends. I could be the one being introduced, or someone should be introducing said person to me, it doesn't matter. If you bring along a person to hang out with you and another person, give them each other's names, for God's sake. It's making things awkward as fuck for everyone.

I'm big on first impressions. I see things, I process them, and I develop an opinion all within a few seconds. If you and I are standing in the middle of a mutual friend, and we don't know each other, we're both gonna come off as an awkward lil' bitch.

Another thing that ticks me off is that when I know a certain group of friends, but whenever this certain group of friends tries to hangout with other people, it's like you're third-wheeling, except you're wheeling off of 5 other people. So you're the sixth wheel. 

Over New Year's Eve, I hung out at the local park with a guy friend and some girl friends. This particular group of girls was your run-of-the-mill "OMG TWITTER TWITTER TWITTER I LOOOOOVE TUMBLR DID YOU SEE THAT RETWEET OMG I CANT OMG REBLOGGING THAT SO HARD" group. I used to be really close with three out of four of these girls. This was the first time I've seen them since last year ended since I go to a different school.




I have never felt so awkward, so unwanted in my life.

The minute I walked up to them, they sort of were just, "Heyyy...?" as if they couldn't even the process the pure thought of another human being. HOLY CRAP, THERE ARE MORE OF THEM? JESUS CHRIST THIS IS BEAUTIFUL.

So we walk the remaining few blocks to the park together, and I have this feeling in my mind, like, "Oh no, this is gonna suck," but because I'm a damn idiot, I ignored it. The walk was filled with their inside jokes and twitter references. I laughed awkwardly and pretended like I didn't want to run back to my mom's car and beg her to take me home.

We sat down at a table, and what do they all do? They bring out their phones, baby! Nothing like browsing the internet with other people who are separately browsing the same internet! The adrenaline rush! Me, knowing that they were all being rude as hell, decided not to bring out my phone while try to catch onto all of their stupid twitter jokes.

Thankfully, my guy friend arrived a few minutes afterward. We went to go shoot on the soccer net because it was too awkward to sit by them. They didn't even notice we left. My guy friend sat for a few more minutes before he leaned close and said, "Hey, uh, I gotta go." I tried to telepathically tell him to DON'T LEAVE ME HERE WITH THESE RUDE AND AWKWARD AS HELL BITCHES, but I said, "Bye" and he left.

Turns out, he left because it was too awkward. Not a surprise.

Everyone decided they were hungry, so they all got up to walk to the gas station for shit food. Knowing my mom would kill me if I stayed alone at a public park at night, I was forced to go with them. I was pushed to the back of the pack as they huddled together with phones blaring and inside jokes suffocating me. I wanted to throw a brick at someone, like, hello? Why did you say yes to hanging out with people if you didn't want to talk to them? I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN 8 MONTHS, YOU FUCKERS, TALK TO ME, TELL ME HOW STUPID YOUR CLASSES ARE, MAKE FUN OF PEOPLE WITH ME, DO SOMETHING.

On the way to the gas station, I made a call to my mom, like, "uh, yeah, I can you come pick me up?" all quet as to not offend the other girls (hm, ironic, isn't it?) We get there, and since they're sleeping over together, they all start making plans about going home. They keep this conversation going for about a minute before one of them realizes that I am still here.

They all respond with, "oh." Like, dammit, who invited this bitch? Oh wait, us. 

Thankfully, my mom arrived to my rescue shortly after, and needless to say, I have not talked to any of them since.

May this be a lesson for all you inconsiderate fuckers: include everyone. If you're one of those people who is fully aware of everyone's presence and decides not to include every person for the majority of the time, you deserve a punch in the mouth at the very least.

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Please don't forget about everyone around you. Particularly when you're stuck together for a few hours. But in general, yeah, don't forget about people in your life in general.

vote if you've felt out of place when you shouldn't have. every vote will get people like my NYE party-goers a punch in the mouth.

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