Cray Cray Fangirls.

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There are fandoms all across the internet: you have your Whovians, Sherlockers, Supernatural Fans,  Beliebers, and let's not forget the most notorious of them all: Directioners.

Now, I have absolutely no problem with fandoms on the whole. Like, hey, you wanna obsess over people/characters/plot/music/whatever the hell you do? Go ahead, you crazy betches.  But some fandoms have members that, from the outside point-of-view, pretty much bring down the rest of the fandom to this person's low, low, at-the-bottom-of-an-abyss level.

Okay, members of all fandoms, put down your pitchforks for the time-being. I have some explaining to do.

You know, you have good fandom members, "Yeah, I like that show/band, but this one just pulls me in a little closer because of the characters/plot/hot guys/whatever," and of course, you have your I-have-a-pole-up-my-ass fandom members: "ur so stupid 4 liking dat band/show cuz my fav band/show is soooooo much better than urs omg like y cant u c that ur just wasting ur time not liking dis band/show."

This sort of correlates back to my previous rant: the good and evil within everything - it's all about execution and perspective.

Speaking of perspective, some people can be blinded by pure interest - bias of the consumer/listener (lots of slashes in this rant).

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine who has this thing for Justin Bieber (poor soul). Actually, this "conversation" consisted of seven of my other friends trying to convince this girl that Justin Bieber, is in fact, a terrible person and just a downright bitch. She could only come back with, "Well, the media portrays him negatively so that's not really him."

While this is true, you can't hide away from the actual goddamn truth, honey. All news reports regarding Justin Bieber involve him spitting on people, taking advantage of restaurants, mooning fans, peeing in mop buckets, and tons of utter shit that make me want to punch him in the mouth. This could be just another crazy idea that wouldn't turn out as planned, but if Justin Bieber had done anything good for the people as a whole, wouldn't the media just explode with wonder and amazement and all of that sort? The media would still attempt to portray the kid in a negative light, because the media is just full of bloodsucking demons, but the truth of his actions would be still there, right? Just a theory, I dunno. (comment what you think)

Back to this debate: I was bringing up an event that I read about in which Justin had shown up to one of the super expensive Disney restaurants and demanded that it be cleared out specifically for him. The restaurant had to call all of its guests to inform them that their reservations that they had made three months in advance would be cancelled, and the workers were not allowed to give any details as to why. So Justin comes down to the restaraunt, dressed in only a bathrobe, and apparently treated the workers like shit. And he didn't pay them. My friend says, "Well, if he has the place to himself, why does he have to put on clothes?"


Perhaps respect?

Like, "Uh, yeah I know I cleared out your restaurant and left you with craploads of angry customers and probably just lost you craploads of money, but hey, at least you not only get the one and only Justin Bieber, but you also get the one and only Justin Bieber with pants." 

It's not like he's sitting home alone and has complete access to that leftover pizza. That is a situation in which pants are not necessary.

But an expensive restaurant in which people will wait on you and deal with you not paying them? Pants are required. Respect comes along with that.

But sometimes, crazy fandoms/fangirls can give some revelation.

I have a friend who's an open Directioner, while I'm open with my distaste for the band. They just don't do anything for me, sorry everyone. I'm not one for repetitive pop music no matter how famous/good looking/etc the artist is.

So I'm talking to another friend about my favorite band (Red, anyone?). We're talking about the musical aspects in most of their songs, like strings, heavy guitar riffs, and awesome stuff like that. Then my Directioner-friend, from across the room, shouts, "Red SUCKS!"

Right after clutching my heart and taking a dramatic gasp, I had a few thoughts. First, it was, "Hah, okay, shut the hell up. We both know you haven't heard any of their music.But my second thought was, "Huh. So I guess that's what it's like."

Directioners are pretty much beaten up every day  (figuratively) on account of their liking for One Direction. Since not many people know about my favorite bands, I have never really experienced someone just blatantly saying, "YOUR TASTE IN MUSIC IS AN ABOMMINATION." While I was never really as blunt about One Direction with my friend as she was about my favorite band, the tables sort of turned. Predator has turned prey. Majority turned minority. Good metaphors turned horrible ones.

Like, how about everyone just shuts up about each other's music taste and gets along, yeah? 

I once saw a comment, eh, here on wattpad, actually, that also did something for me. Now, One Direction hasn't had as many faults as the good ol' Biebs, but one event that no one forgets is that One Direction turned down a meet-up with a little girl dying of cancer because they wouldn't get paid, yadda yadda yadda. Someone had pointed out that it could've actually been the band's representation that turned down the girl. For all we know, the bandmembers could've been all for making this girl's dream come true, "Hell yeah, let's change some lives, muddafuckahs,"  but their representation - perhaps not so much. Like I said, the media is all full of bloodsucking demons, so maybe the band's agents/PR/etc thought, "No money, no gig," and just about ruined 1D for all of those people who:

a) don't listen to 1D.

b) forget to look at all the possibilities.

Vote if you're in a fandom. If you're not in a fandom, vote anyway. <3 

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