Chapter One

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Today was the day. The day you and your family were leaving Unova to go the Alola Islands. You've been ecstatic ever since when you found out that you all were moving to Alola. You couldn't wait to see more Pokémon! You couldn't wait to see what different amounts of Pokémon you could see. You had your bags and boxes packed, along with your bag and your Pokémon. You reached in your bag and let your Superior out of its pokéball. Superior looked into your eyes with happiness and determination. Ready for the world of Alola they were about to see.
"Are you ready to go to Alola, Superior?" You asked as he nodded in agreement. You gently wrapped your arms around Superior into a small hug. "I'm going to miss Unova. But at least I'll get to go on an adventure with my best friend!" You said with enthusiasm and you petted Superior's head. Superior purred happily and smiled towards you until he heard a voice he wished he could never have heard.
"(Y/n)!! Get your boxes and bring your sorry ass down here!" You heard your mother yell from down stairs. You mentally sighed. "Ok, mother!" You hollered back to her. You looked at Superior, his eyes filled with worry and concern. "I'll be ok Superior, don't worry." You reassured him as you pulled out his Poké ball and called for him to come back. You gathered your boxes and other belongings as you headed down to see the two people you dreaded the most. Your own parents.
You knew they argued at time to time, and drank often once they got the chance. But they took their anger out on you, but luckily, not all of their anger. Just some. "Hurry up, you slow sack of shit!" You heard your father yell. You flinched a bit, your father was very intimidating to you. You hurried down stairs and ran into the living room with all of your belongings. "I'm here sir and ma'am!" You said to your parents as they sent you glares. "About time, you worthless excuse for a trainer." Your father said, knowing how sensitive your feelings are.
But you wouldn't let them have the satisfaction of seeing you hurt. You sighed and gave a small smile and sucked down the pain you felt in your chest. "I'm sorry I took so long, I was gathering up the last of my things, sir." You said calmly as he threw your boxes in the trunk of their car. "Well maybe if you had gotten it done earlier, you could've gotten down here faster. And we could've left a lot sooner." Your mother said in an annoyed tone as your father nodded in agreement. "Get to the car. Now. So we can finally leave unless you want us to leave your slow ass here." Your father said impatiently as you followed behind your parents to the car.
"Honestly, I'd love it if you left me here. I could have a hell of a lot more freedoms then." You though to yourself as the car took off.


You snapped from your forever lasting day dream as you looked out the window. You arrived to the boat that takes you to Alola. You were excited now. Moments from now, you could finally go to Alola and meet new people and Pokémon there. "Hey, (Y/n)! Stop being a lazy bitch and get out already!" Your father commanded as you flinched, got out of the car, and gathered all your boxes and belongings. You carefully but quickly carried them to the boat as you placed your bag over your shoulders. You smiled brightly. "I can't wait to finally go to Alola!" You said with excitement as your parents walked behind you with their belongings and placed them on the boat alongside yours.
"Shut your mouth, (Y/n). I don't want to hear a single word coming from you. You hear me?" Your mother screeched to you. You flinched slightly at her tone and just simply nodded. Feeling scared that if you were to say something would get you beaten.
"Ok sir and ma'am. Y'all are heading to Alola, correct?" You over heard the pilot ask you parents. They simply nodded and said, "Yes. I hear it is quite lovely there." Your mother said to the pilot as they all smiled. Except for you. You stayed seated by the pilots seat. "Alrighty, I'll head there right away!" The pilot said as he turned around to take his seat. "Of course, sir!" You heard your mother yell out to him. You stayed seated and you stayed silent as the pilot took his seat next to you. He cranked the boat up as he took preparations to make sure the boat goes off steadily. He turns and looks at you. "Excuse me, ma'am. May I ask why you're sitting in the passengers seat?" He asked in a soft tone.
You looked him in his icy blue eyes as you whispered softly to him. "I was told to have a seat and to stay shut up until we get to Alola." You said as your (e/c) eyes were filled with worry. The pilot took notice of this and nodded. "Alright. I understand." He said as he turned his attention back to the controls. "Well.." he said softly as he began to drive the boat to Alola. "While you're on this boat to Alola, you can talk to me until we get there. Alright? My name is Isaac." Isaac said as he smiled and drove the boat to the Alola region.
"But what about my parents? What if they hear me?" You asked worriedly as he looked into your eyes. "I'll tell them that I said you were able to talk to me. I refuse to let you sit in the silence the entire time we are driving across the ocean." He said with kindness. You smiled with joy and thanked him as you two chatted along your entire trip to Alola. You felt that today was going to be an ok day.

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