Chapter three

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Superior had just jumped out of the window. He looked back to the new house he had just left. He sighed as he slithered away. "I need to find someone that will be able to help (Y/n)... I'm really worried for her." He thought to himself as he slithered through the woods, trying to avoid being spotted by any other trainer. Superior never trusted other trainers aside from (Y/n). Mainly because he was abused and mistreated by them. And he always wanted to find that one trainer that actually showed care for him. But luckily, he found (Y/n) a few years ago from today.

~Flash back~

Snivy just sat there, his stomach rumbling from the lack of food he had. He was starving, and he was in a desperate need for food, but there was nothing he could do. He was stuck behind a cage, used and treated as entertainment. Snivy sighed as he got ready, his show was about to be performed.
Snivy heard his cage being taken away as he heard a large crowd cheering starting to become louder the closer they approached it. Snivy's eyes were blinded for a second before they were able to focus again. He noticed the crowd was larger this time. Still filled with the drunk, and immature grown men that placed bets on who would win, him or some other Pokémon they were forced to fight. But when he looked around in the crowd more, he spotted a little girl with (H/l) (H/c) hair, she wore almost ragged clothes as she was being dragged around by a taller and older man that he presumed to be her father.
"In the first corner is Snivy!" He heard the announcer say as his cage opened up. Snivy inched his way out of the cage, shaking from the lack of food. "And in the second corner is Oshawott!" The announcer said as an insane-looking Oshawott came from his cage. He snapped and growled at Snivy as Snivy just looked at him blankly with glassy eyes.
"Fight, start!" The announcer said as the Oshawott charged at Snivy. Snivy glared at the Oshawott as he used Leaf storm, making the Oshawott faint easily. And soon everyone booed at the easily won fight, but Snivy didn't care. He was more interested in the young girl and why she was here to begin with in such a low life place.
Snivy looked around at the arguing people as he snuck off the table and carefully made his way to the young girl. It was difficult at first, but he managed to have made his way to her. "Why, hello there, Snivy!" She said kindly as she carefully picked him up in her arms. She was shocked at how light he was. Until it finally hit her, he was starving. "Oh my goodness, lets go get you some food!" She said as she turned to face her dad. "Hey dad! I gotta go to the bathroom!" She yelled to him and he replied with a simple, "Whatever." She looked down at Snivy and smiled kindly. "Lets go get you some food." She told him. Snivy smiled, he started to like this person."

~End of said Flash back~

And it was since then, Superior and (y/n) stayed together forever. (Y/n) kept him a secret until her parents found out. She got the worst end of it, but she said it was ok cause she loved him and wanted to keep him. And she also said to him, 'It doesn't matter what happens to me, just as long as I get to have you by my side, everything will be ok.'
Superior smiled, thinking back to when (Y/n) saved him unlike the rest of the trainers that were there. The ones that abused him, and treated him poorly.
Superior was soon snapped out of his thoughts as quick as he went in them when he saw he wandered into a city. Superior blinked a bit before looking around frantically, remembering he needed to find someone to help (y/n). Superior slithered quickly in the town he was in, trying to get people to go with him to help (y/n), but no one wanted to. Superior sighed until he finally saw two sketchy looking people. They both wore the same outfit. A black tank top with a skull logo on it. They also wore skull caps and had blue hair. It looked like they kept their hair dyed to keep it that color. Superior didn't trust the way these people looked, but they would have to do. He couldn't get anyone else's help.
Superior slithered up to them and pulled on the back of one of their tank tops. They both turned around and looked at Superior with a bit of a shocked look on their faces. "Yo, A, you never just see a Pokémon walts up to you like this, huh?" Said the one to the right. "Yo, you never do, yo!" Said the one to the left. Superior sighed at their slang, to him it was rather cringe worthy. But despite that, Superior kept tugging on them and kept trying to get them to follow him as they mumbled incomprehensible words, the two sketchy people followed him as they had this devious look plastered in their eyes.
Superior wasn't too sure about this, but it was better than no one at all.
Superior wanted (Y/n) to be safe and sound and not have to worry about her being beaten every five minutes.
He wanted to see the smile he saw when you two first met again.

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