Oh Father!

181 4 0

S. A. 3250

My eyes open slowly, light as gentle as my Naneth's eyes shining into them. It was Adar's idea to make an elegant crystal lamp that reflects the magical light of Arda. He put it over my bed, forgetting I would wake to it.

Oh Adar! He has a great love of his forge, and I have heard that he is the best smith to walk the earth since his grandfather Fëanor. He never speaks of his family, so it is only from rumors that I gather this.

My thoughts are shaken by a loud screech from the forge. My Ada does not usually use the house forge, I guess something must've broken and needed a quick fix. I absolutely love to smith with him, and many elleths think it is improper for such behavior. In public Ada tells me that too, as does Naneth, but alas when I come to the forge Ada laughs about it, and Naneth turns a blind eye.

I race out of bed and down many flights of stairs, almost hitting many servants. We live in a large house because my Adar is lord of this city, Eregion. I get to the forge, and hear a loud exclamation.

"My lord! What on earth are you doing?" Peering around the door, I see my Ada look up from his work to smile at the confused maid.

"I am creating a necklace, for..." He trails off as he sees me. I back away, and being the kind Adar he is, he winks and looks away. He flips his long brown hair, the rich color reflecting the early sunlight. "Leave me, Paragond."

The servant bows her head, her eyes confused. "Yes Lord Celebrimbor." Once she is out of earshot, Ada calls to me in but a whisper.

"Come out, melui-gûr. I wish to show you something." I walk out into the open forge, shivering slightly at the chilly wind as it dives though my thin bedclothes. Ada laughs, pulling a cloak off his shoulders and handing it to me. It is dark blue, and holds a crown with three stars above it. "Next time you must come dressed Gailthîr. ''Tis not proper for an elf-lady to go round in her nightgown."

I roll my eyes and make a face at him. "Oh but Ada, I think we both know I am not going to grow up to be any 'elf-lady'! I am going to grow up to be a smith like you." I see his eyes soften, and he would've hugged me, but he was working. I glanced at his work, but he spoke first.

"It will be alright, I will be able to fix any damage. You are most brave. You remind me much of my own Naneth, and even more of your Nana." To this I can say nothing, except.

"Lets go." We don't talk, we just work. Ada was just adding silver chains to the necklace meant for me, and so he was able to put it away and work on the broken sword from the armory. It was an easy fix, nothing we hadn't already done, so we finished relatively quickly. We are always like this, we work in silence, our brains in perfect harmony. It was for moments like these that I lived, and I knew it was the same for my Adar.

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