7|| The Ride.

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"You gon' be looking for a good time. I'm gon' be tryna read. You gon' be looking for a good time, little girl. This brotha here, he just gon' be tryna read. I ain't tryna give you what you want, baby. I ain't tryna give you what you want little...I ain't tryna give you what you want. I'm tryna give you what you need."

I thought the greatest form of torture was facing your worst fears

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I thought the greatest form of torture was facing your worst fears. Well, right now, the greatest form of torture for me was being alone in a hotel room with Prince.

He's sitting at a desk, reading, while I'm sitting on the couch with my feet tucked under my behind, doing nothing.

A soft sigh escaped my lips as I pulled my phone out, scrolling through my contacts. I was bored and needed something to occupy my time. Just as I was about to send a text message to Josie, she sent me one, asking me to check my email because she sent me something. I immediately went to the mail app and tapped it. After a few minutes, I saw an email from Josie. The subject was "Listen to this song."

"Okay." I muttered to myself as I clicked on the email. Luckily, I had my earphones already next to me so I wouldn't have to get up. I plugged my earphones into the headphone jack and placed them into my ears. I tapped on the song to download it and pressed play once it was finished.

I recognized the song immediately. Let's pretend we're married by none other than the source of my torture. Prince.

I've heard the song before, but not the whole thing. The lyrics are....interesting to say the least. My eyes were wide by the time I got toward the end of the song. I had to rewind it back to make sure I heard what he said correctly.

Look here, Marsha, i'm not saying this just to be nasty, but I sincerely wanna fuck the taste out of your mouth. Can you relate?

I froze. Hearing those words come out of his mouth again was a shock. Even if it was just a song.

I can't believe he said that.

And who is Marsha?

When the song was over and I was finally able to calm myself down a little, I removed the earphones from my ears, placing them on the couch. I needed time to process what i've just heard.

And possibly a bottle of water.

I swallowed, finally feeling how dry my throat really is.

Am I supposed to be this thirsty?

Why am I hot all of a sudden?

"Are you okay, Amelie?" Prince's soft voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked up, my brown orbs immediately connecting with Prince's light brown ones. I hadn't even noticed how long he'd been looking at me. I nodded, smiling a little.

"Yeah. Just a little thirsty."

"Oh okay." He replies, places a bookmark into his book, closes it, and sits it back on the desk. He stands up. "What do you want to drink?"

"Um, water, please."


He walks over to the mini fridge, opens it, and grabs two bottles of water before closing it again.

"Thank you." I say softly as he hands me one of the bottles. I take it.

"You're welcome."

I open the water and take a couple of large sips before putting the cap back on. It helped a little.

"I guess you were thirsty." Prince says, chuckling as he grabs the book he was reading off the desk. I laugh softly as I watch him open the book.

"What's that you're reading?"

"Embraced By The Light." He says without looking up.

"Oh. I've never heard of that one."

"It's a book about the author, Betty Eadie's , near death experience while undergoing surgery."

"Wow. I might have to read that after you're done."

"Yeah. It's pretty interesting."

"I see."

We fell silent for a while, him going back to reading and me, well, I decided to listen to that song again.

I couldn't get it out of my head.

"I have a question." I said, breaking our silence, once the song was over. He looked up from his book, smiling a little.

"Okay, what's your question?"

"I was listening to your song, Let's Pretend We're Married, and I-." I paused, trying to word the question I was trying to ask properly. "I was wondering, what you meant when you said to that Marsha woman-- you know what? Maybe I shouldn't even ask."

"No, go ahead and ask."

Well, here goes nothing.

"Okay." I replied and cleared my throat. "What did you mean when you told that Marsha woman you wanted to um, Eff the taste out of her mouth?"

"Why do you want to know about that part of the song?" He asks, chuckling softly as he closes his book again. He places it back on the desk and turns to face me. "And we're both grown, you can say fuck."


"Unless you're not comfortable with saying words like that around me."

"I-it's not that." I stammer over my words, my cheeks turning a beautiful rose color. He smiled.

"Then go ahead and ask your question again."

"Okay. What did you mean when you told that Marsha woman you wanted to fuck the taste out of her mouth?"

"Why do you wanna know?" He asks as he stands to his feet, the smile on his face growing a little wider. "You jealous?"


"No." I reply, watching as he walks toward me and moves the table a little so he could be able to stand directly in front of me. "I was just wondering what you meant by it."

"Oh. Well, I guess I could show you."

Show me?



He leans over, his hands lightly resting on my thighs. He leans in, preparing to kiss me. My eyes close in anticipation.

"You're not ready yet." His soft, yet deep baritone suddenly entered my ear making my eyes shoot open. He placed a kiss on my cheek and moved away from me before I could even respond.

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