11|| The Truth.

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"Everybody's got a right to love. Everybody's got a right to lie.
But the choice U make ain't no piece of cake. It ain't no motherfuckin' piece of pie."

"Who did you just call me?

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"Who did you just call me?."

Zayn's words lingered in the air, piercing through the deafening silence. He was still on his knees looking up at me, waiting for my answer. I looked down at him as I chewed on my bottom lip, silently debating with myself.

Should I lie to him or just go ahead and tell him the truth?

"Did you hear what I just asked you?" Zayn says, breaking me out of my train of thought. I nod.

"I heard you."

"Then answer my question."

"I didn't call you anything, baby." I replied, going with a lie. He scoffed, finally bringing himself back to standing.

"Yes, you did. I heard you."

"No. You only heard what you thought you heard."

He frowned a little. "Oh, really? Cause it sure as hell sounded like you called me Prince."

I froze.

What could I say to that? He was right. I did call him Prince. But I didn't mean to.

"I-." I began, trying to find the words to say that would help me explain myself, but they just wouldn't make it past my lips.

"You what?" Zayn asked, growing impatient with my lack of response. I opened my mouth, only to close it again. I just couldn't bring myself to say anything. He rolled his eyes. "Just tell me whatever it is you're trying to say."

"I didn't mean to call you, Prince."

"Then, why did you?"

"I don't know. It just slipped out." I mumbled, wishing he'd just let this go. He frowned.

"It just slipped out? You really expect me to believe that?"

"No. But it's the truth."

"Okay, I'll play along." He says, the smile on his face not meeting his eyes. "Let's say I believe you that it really did slip out by accident. What would make you decide to say his name when we're about to share an intimate moment?."

"I don't know." I answered honestly and looked away from him. Prince and I hadn't done anything that would make me think about him.

So, why now?

"Did you sleep with him?"


But I wanted to.

Zayn looked at me, saying nothing for the longest time. I became nervous under his intense gaze.

At that very moment, I wanted to hide.

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