26|| Arrogance.

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Like a flame she came and I was no longer cold. That's a little shady, for this lady was only 16 years old.

Amelie's POV

"Tony, who is this?" I speak up before Prince can with a small frown and a slightly confused smile

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"Tony, who is this?" I speak up before Prince can with a small frown and a slightly confused smile. He looks at me and back at Tony, his eyebrow raised, waiting for his answer just like I was.

This woman looked so familiar, but I couldn't figure out in my mind where I've seen her before.

"She says she was the one on that tape her mother sent you," Tony proudly states as if he'd found out the best thing in the entire world. I sighed inwardly, recognition coming to me immediately as my eyes roam over the woman's face. She was the little girl flipping those quarters on her belly.

Well, she's not so little anymore, I thought as I took in her petite dancer's frame. Prince stands to his feet.

"How can you be sure this is the same woman?" He finally says, after a few minutes of silence, folding his arms across his chest and shifting his weight from one foot to the other, "I mean, this could be anyone claiming to be someone they're not."

My eyebrow raised at Prince's words. I didn't expect him to say something like this in front of her. I had to commend this woman for not having the reaction I thought she would. She just stood there, a small frown etched across her features and arms folded across her chest. If that were me, I would've slapped him or cussed him out by now. She was...still silent.

"I see your point here, but how do you know it's not her?" Tony speaks up, oblivious to the glares and murmurs of Rosie and the others, "She showed me a picture of her mother. it was the same woman that gave the tape to me to give to you."

"Excuse me," The young woman finally says, before Prince could respond to Tony, tucking her hair behind her ear, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room, "I would appreciate it if you'd stop talking about me as if I'm not in the room. It's rude."

"Fine. What's your name?" Prince asks, amusement laced within his tone, but i found nothing funny about this. The woman clears her throat before speaking. Apparently, neither did she.

"Mayte. Mayte Garcia."

"Well, Ms. Garcia, I like your tape."

"So, you believe I was really on that tape now?" Mayte asks half-jokingly, her eyebrow raised. My own eyebrow raised at hearing Prince's low chuckle. Although they didn't know each other, there was a familiarity between them. As if they'd known each other their entire life.

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