22|| Billy Jack Bitch [Pt. 2]

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What distortion could U let your pen forget 2day?
What misfortune left your heart so broken U only say
Words intended 2 belittle or dismay?
What if I say U lie?
Billy Jack Bitch (Well)

Amelie's POV

The world is full of unrequited love. A love so one-sided, you can't figure out which way is up. As i sit here, replaying my own words over and over in my head, I wondered if what I was feeling would be reciprocated. Or if I was coming on too strong.

"W-what did you just say?" He repeated his words in a much softer tone as if i hadn't heard him the first time. I bring my eyes back to his, trying to pull myself out of my thoughts, giving him a small smile that didn't meet my eyes.

"Nothing. Just forget I said anything." I mutter, my eyes filling with tears as I look away from him. He sighs softly.

"Come on now, mama, it's already out there," He replied, tucking his index finger underneath my chin, lifting it so my face was level with his, "Say it again for me."

I shook my head no, making him sigh again.

"Please?" Another shake of my head was my response. He smiled softly, "Okay, I won't force you."

"Thank you."

"Was this what you were planning on telling me when we get back from Japan?" He asks after a few minutes of silence. I nodded, "Why were you going to wait?"

"Honestly, I have no idea," I confessed, with a soft sigh. Prince took my hand in his, caressing the back of it with his thumb in a soothing manner as I continued speaking, "I guess I was scared because I wasn't sure if you'd feel the same as I do."


"Do you...feel the same as I do?" I ask timidly, bringing my eyes back to his. He sighs.

"Amelie, I-," He begins quietly, being cut off by the sound of the phone ringing. He lets go of my hand, breaking our connection, and gets up to answer it. I listened intently to him as he spoke to the person on the other line all while my heart was shattering into pieces.

He didn't finish his sentence.

Who am I kidding? He probably doesn't feel the same.

"I should go," I muttered to myself, getting out of bed and standing to my feet. I was prepared to grab my belongings and leave, but something inside me was saying don't go. Just wait.

Prince's POV

"Yes, I have the flight scheduled for tomorrow and I'll be there in time for rehearsals," I spoke into the phone as I watched Amelie stand up. She looked nervous, almost as if she was contemplating something. Letting out an almost inaudible sigh, I went over our conversation in my head as I listened to my manager go on and on about preparations for Japan.

She told me she loved me and I didn't say it back.

Was that wrong? I mean, we haven't known each other for very long and we just established our relationship. I care about her, very deeply, but I'm not sure if it's love that I'm feeling towards her just yet.

Plus, I can't say those words to her when I don't mean them. I want to be sure of how I feel first.

"Mmm-hmm, I heard what you said," I half lied, pulling myself out of my thoughts, as my manager tried to get my attention. I know I should be listening, but Amelie is my main focus right now.

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