[ prologue ]

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Dear Stiles, 

You seemed so very heartbroken when I told you that I didn't remember you. You showed me all your lovely letters and it seemed that whatever "we" had was something really special and it frustrates me that I don't remember doing any of it. 

I'm scared. I don't even remember my own mother, let alone the things we did together, but I promise you I'll keep on trying to remember. I think its sweet that you called me Pretty Girl in your letters. 

I'm going to try my hardest to be your Pretty Girl again, I swear I am, but for now I think I'm going to focus on getting my heath back. Then I think I'll be ready to try and relive old memories. 

- Pretty Girl. 


A/n: I went the whole of Dear No One without naming pretty girl, but I've decided to finally give her an actual name. It's easier this way to write her point of view, so I hope you guys understand! I've decided to call her Parker, so that it ties in with the 'P' in pretty girl. Hope you guys aren't disappointed! x 

Dear Stiles (Stiles AU)Where stories live. Discover now