[ nine ]

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Saturday, 12:29 am

"Goodbye, Stiles." Parker whispered to him, before turning on her heels and walking away. 

Stiles stood there, dumbfounded and confused. He stared down at the letter in his hands, eyes trailing over the plain white paper until he couldn't take it anymore. He slowly shuffled back inside, carefully unfolding the letter and reading over the words. 

After he read the last words, the letter was slipping from his hands and falling to the floor. His eyes were welling with tears and his head was trying to convince him that what he had just read wasn't true.  

Emotions took over his being and he sat there, on the cold ground as harsh sobs racked his body. The girl that meant so much to him is beginning to finally slip through his fingers, disappearing into the cracks of the floorboards and out of sight. 

Ultimately, this was bound to happen. From the moment the car had hit her, Stiles' time with her was in danger. She could've been killed from the moment of impact, but fate had given them both a second chance. 

However, after Theo had attacked her, fate had not been on either of their sides. Sure, Parker was alive but they had lost their connection. Theo's blow to her head had severed their connection, and now they were merely strangers again. 

This time though, Parker didn't have the same feelings as she used to. It was, quite frankly, Stiles' worse nightmare. 

As he continued to cry, the whole situation began to catch up to his mind and eventually it was pushing Stiles into a panic attack. 

The air was sucked out of his lungs by an invisible force, and he was left heaving in and out, trying to get it back. But to no avail, it wasn't working. It wasn't that easy. He needed to calm down, but he feared that the only thing that would do that was having Parker come back and tell him that it was only a terrible dream. 

Instead, his father was opening the front door. Upon seeing his son in such a state, he rushed over and dropped down to the ground with Stiles. 

"What's going on?" His father asked, gripping his shoulders gently. Stiles collapsed against his father's chest, pathetically heaving in and out. 

"I've lost her," He sobbed, gripping impossibly tighter onto his father. "I've lost her." 

Dear Stiles (Stiles AU)Where stories live. Discover now