[ thirty ]

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A/n: I'm really sorry that I haven't been updating guys! Life's been crazy so I haven't had much time to sit down at write anything x 

* * * 

"Stiles?" Parker said gently, looking over at the brunet sitting at his desk. 

"Hm?" He replied, not taking his eyes off his computer screen. 

"I need to ask you something,"  

Stiles spun around on his chair until he was facing Parker who was sat on his bed. He raised an eyebrow at her, waiting until she continued. 

Parker bit her tongue, wondering if this was really something she wanted to ask him. She knew he wouldn't want to, not after what happened last time, but she needed it to happen. She needed to find a way to convince him. 

"I want to go on another road trip," She spoke. "Back to the lake." 

Stiles eyebrows furrowed, head beginning to shake. He stood from his chair, walking across the room to where Parker was sitting and joining her. 

"Why would you want to do that?" 

Parker sighed, "You know I'm being suffocated stuck here all the time. Its boring Stiles. I want to relive all of the memories we shared there. You got to keep those, but I lost a lot of them. Please, Stiles. I need to escape for a little while." 

The brunet was looking down at his bed sheets, picking at them lazily as he thought. Parker could see the discontent in his eyes, however she was surprised when he started to nod slightly. 

"If you can get your mum to agree," He started. "Then we'll go." 

Parker gasped, throwing herself into Stiles' arms and pushing him back into the bed. She peppered his face with kisses, chanting 'thank you' over and over as he laughed.

"Don't get too excited," He chuckled. "You've gotta get your mum to agree." 

She smiled, burying her face into his neck, "I know she'll say yes."

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