[ eight ]

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Saturday, 12.03 am

Parker held her letter in her hands, staring down at the words she had written. The longer she held onto it, the harder she found it to give it up. 

Stiles was in his room, she could see him from her spot on her bed. All she had to do was scrunch up the letter, and toss it onto his window. It was as simple and has hard as that. But instead of doing so, she found herself shuffling out of her bedroom. 

Her feet walked her through the house, and straight out of the front door. They didn't stop until she was right out front of Stiles' house. Looking up, she could see Stiles peering down at her from his bedroom window. 

They held eye contact for at least a minute before Stiles eventually disappeared and reappeared at the front door a moment later. He looked sad, and after Parker looked at him for a brief period of time she noticed it looked as though he had been crying. 

She wanted to ask him what was wrong, but in the back of her mind she knew all too well what−who−the cause of those tears were. 

Quietly, Stiles spoke, "What do you want?" 

Her heart ached. Out of no where, she wanted to run over there and wrap her arms around him and bury her head in the crook of his neck and tell him that everything was going to be okay. She had to forced herself to stand still. 

She gripped tighter onto the letter, and began to think twice about her impulse decision. 

Was this really for the best? 

Parker swallowed hard, and began to walk up to Stiles. She offered him the letter, and without a word he took it. Reaching up, she pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek and once she pulled away she offered him a small smile. 

"Goodbye, Stiles." She whispered, and turned on her heels and walked away. 

Dear Stiles (Stiles AU)Where stories live. Discover now