pt. 14

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"Macy, I do love you. You don't know how fucking much I love you, okay? I'd never even dreamed of loving someone this intensely before." Niall says to me. I can see the pleading in his eyes.

"Niall, I want to forgive you so bad. I want to just pretend the whole thing never happened. But I can't stop seeing you kissing her. It just replays over and over again. The way you held her...." I trail off.

I see guilt written all over his face. "I only held her like that because I thought she was you." He says quietly. He knows it's not a good excuse.

"I just need some time, Ni. I'm still kinda drunk. My head hurts and my stomach has been churning since I saw you with her. I really drank for the first time tonight. Do you understand the weight of that? I can't just pretend everything is okay. So can you please just give me a little while?" I say, exhausted.

"Yes, of course. You can have all the time you need. I'd wait forever for you." I can't deny the butterflies that erupt in my stomach at that. After all of this, he still has this effect on me.

"Thank you, now please leave so I can calm down." I sigh.

Niall nods solemnly before walking quietly out the door.


I'm normally the one comforting her. I'm not used to being the one to hurt her. She asked for time and of course I said yes. But, I'm kind of nervous. We don't have much time left. It's almost graduation. She's still deciding between two colleges. One with me and one far, far away from me.

I'm going to UCLA. So, Macy either goes to UCLA or FSU. Last time we talked about it, she said she was gonna choose UCLA. She hasn't actually accepted yet, though. Everything could change.

It's May 16th. Graduation is June 7th. Gosh, I hope she doesn't do anything irrational.

I love her with all my heart. I fucked up so bad tonight. So when I get home, I do what any sad teenager would do: I put a sad Spotify playlist on and try desperately to fall asleep. Medicine by The 1975 comes on and the tears start falling. I begin to hyperventilate. What if she decides she doesn't want me anymore? That what I did was unforgivable? It'd be all my fault.

I'm such an idiot. I can't even believe I did that. I'm a royal fuck up.

I check the time. 3:48 am. Great.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing, I lazily check the caller ID before bolting upright. It's Macy.

"Macy?" I answer.

"Niall." She crying.

"Macy, what's wrong? Where are you?" I ask.

"Niall, you have to help me I'm- fuck- Niall I'm on Hill Avenue, you've gotta hurry." She sobs into the phone.

"I'm on my way, Macy." I tell her, "Do you want me to stay on the phone with you?"

"Yes, please." She squeaks out.

"Okay," I run out to my car. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"I was walking home from Makenzie's-"

"At four in the morning?!" I yell.

"Yes, Makenzie was drunk and I really just wanted to go home and go to sleep." She says.

"I could've driven you." I suggest.

She scoffs, "Yeah, right. Anyway, you know that kid Marcus?"

"Yes...." I say, urging her to go on.

"He pulled up by me in his car. He tried to make me get in, but I fought like hell until he gave up. But, gosh, he hit me hard. I'm so scared. And my phone's about to die, Niall, please hurry." She pleads.

"I'm coming as fast as I can. I'm almost there." I say.

I pull up next to her, about 30 seconds later. Her cheeks are stained with tears. She's crouched on the ground, holding the left side of her face.

I get out of the car and kneel down to help her. "Oh my gosh, Macy, come here." I pull her into my arms as she sobs.

"Thank you, Niall. Thank you so much." She cries.

"Let's get you home." I say, lifting her up and placing her in the passenger's seat.

Once I'm in the driver's seat she speaks up. "Niall?"

"Yeah, Macy?"

"Can I stay at your house? I don't want to be in that big house all alone." She says.

Oh. Right. I forgot. Her mom's out of town and her dad doesn't live with them anymore.

"Of course you can." I answer quietly.

We get to my house and I tuck her into my bed. I'm about to walk out to sleep on the couch when she catches my wrist.

"Please stay." She requests softly.

"Are you sure?" I ask. She nods. I lift up the covers and climb in next to her.

She cuddles up to me and I sigh.

She's just gonna go back to hating you again tomorrow, Niall. You doing this for her didn't magically change the fact you kissed Liz. She's just emotional right now. She'll come to her senses tomorrow.

Once she falls asleep, I wrap my arms tighter around her. "Please, don't leave me." I whisper into her hair, "I love you so much. I can't live without you. Please. Give me another chance."


The second time I've found myself in this situation. I heard what Niall said, clear as day. He always thinks I'm asleep.

But, again, I'm much too tired to worry about this right now. I'm just gonna have to figure it out in the morning.

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