Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Fyfa was unsure how everything had happened so quickly. Or quite how she had gone from standing behind Nessia’s cottage in the freezing snow, accepting Hamish’s rather utilitarian proposal. Though she had to admit, if he had come at her with flowers and words of romance, she would most probably have turned and run as quickly in the opposite direction. And yet somehow, instead she found herself ensconced in the small ladies solar in the Keep that Aislinn had restored over the last year.

It was a strange moment for her. Surrounded by women who chattered excitedly about her, as they went here and there, arranging things she could not see. Aislinn and Isla had practically forced her into the chair she now sat in. Plopped the tiny Catriona into her lap. And told her to look after the bairn as they sorted everything for the handfasting. She was not to worry about a thing.

She was rather stunned at the speed in which everything had happened. She had expected it to be weeks before anything could be brought together. But she had been informed it was all to take place in a few hours. Unsure how she really felt about the quick move, she knew she could not back out. And it was probably the best move for her health for it to happen as soon as possible.

At the tug of a lock of hair, her attention was brought back to the bairn on her lap. The wide eyed stared made her feel inspected, but as she blinked a large smile came across her small round face. Her rosy cheeks glowing, as she threw her arms out and wobbled slightly, causing a quick reaction from Fyfa. Catching her safely up in her arms, as her heart sped with the possibilities of if the child had fallen onto the flag stone flooring. Not that the bairn cared, the high pitched laugh told her that much.

She was holding the small hands tightly, as the giggling girl bounced up and down, making Fyfa feel exhausted watching her, as Aislinn finally made her way back over to them. She looked over just as Aislinn smiled and shook her head. “She will do that forever if you let her. Trust me, you will get tired of that before she does.” Then Aislinn aimed her attention at her daughter. Picking up the still giggling bairn, “Come on Catriona. We need Fyfa to get ready now.” As Aislinn moved off, Isla came swooping in taking control.

Over the next few hours, she was washed, re-bandaged as Nessia appeared from nowhere, dressed in the most beautiful pale blue woollen dress she had ever seen. Though knowing it must have been one of the plainest in Aislinn’s possession, as she was told she could keep it as Aislinn already thought she had too many dresses. It was a nice thought, that someone could have nothing and find a place where she was safe, secure and loved. It was a nice dream to have. Just not one she was ever going to have. Though safe and secure could be achieved with Hamish.

Her hair was down, hanging in soft curls of fiery red. As the women around her picked at tiny things around her. Adjusting her hair, dress and position until they were satisfied with their work. Isla ushered the majority of the women out of the room at that moment, allowing her a moment of near privacy with only Aislinn, Isla and the bairn left in the room.

From the expressions they wore, she could not help but feel nervous with why they wanted her alone. Isla took her hand, moving as if she were a frightened horse about to bolt. Pulling her back to the chair she had sat upon earlier. The two women moving stools to position themselves in front of her. She looked nervously from one to the other. Her breathing coming faster. What was so serious? What could they say? What had gone wrong? She knew it had been going too well.

Confusion came in as she saw them share a look and smile, Aislinn leaned forward as far as possible with Catriona attached to her and took hold of her hand. Giving it a small squeeze. “You do not need to look so worried. We just thought you might want to ask some questions about what will happen this night?”

“Th…this night? I, I do not understand?” As she looked between the two women she knew what she was about to hear would stay with her for a long time to come. And possibly not for the right reasons.

Hamish looked over at Cam as they stood in the main hall to the Keep. He had had no idea how much Cam and the twins had planned after he had left them. They seemed to know the answer the answer he had given. Cam had included his wife in the plans, and this was all becoming bigger than he had expected. He was not concerned with the speed, the sooner they were handfasted the sooner she was safe from her father.

“Have you any idea where he has gone?” Hamish was worried, they had not managed to find him yet, and it they could not keep him contained, he may stumble across someone who knew what was happening. Not that he could do much to stop it now. But he could still embarrass Fyfa, and that was not acceptable.

Cam just shook his head, an air of confidence that did not reach him, across the short distance. He just wished the women would hurry. The sooner it was over the safer she would be.

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