4 | Shockwaves

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In the week that followed the first few days of school, things had changed so drastically you'd have thought last week's version of our small town didn't even exist in the first place. Brandy hadn't come to school in about three days, Madden and Anne were acting weird and Liana always seemed to be right around the corner. I'd ended up skipping the party after all. Wasn't really my scene. Plus, I heard some kids went to the hospital because of something they did or had there, I honestly don't want to know. Allison didn't sit with us at lunch anymore but she would sit with either me or Dylan or near us in our shared classes. People were really weirded out as to why she was here acting somewhat normal. But at the same time, she seemed...off. Like she never answered questions when you asked her where she's been. She never talked to the police on her disappearance. They didn't even seem to care that she was back. It was all a little weird if you ask me. But I guess it's her choice. Maybe something so awful happened to her that she can't even talk about it anymore. Her family wasn't any better. The once friendly couple barely left their house and when they did, their faces displayed nothing but blank stares.

We were back at the coffee shop on a Tuesday afternoon, just the group and me. With the addition of Liana who was tucked into my side, my arm draped around her.

"Maybe they were like abducted by aliens and the government was behind it and that's why the police don't care." Liana snickered.

If Brandy were here, she would have glowered. She hated nothing more than gossipy girls.

"Anne, can I talk to you for a minute?" Madden asked, getting up.

She looked surprised then her eyes flashed with a hint of uncertainty before she got up quickly and followed him out of the room. That was weird, she's usually so confident and what would Madden have to ask her anyways that he couldn't say in front of the group?

"Anyways, You skipped last week, but the nice weather is almost up so we're throwing a big beach party." Liana tosses her hair off her shoulder a little and smiles.

"You have to come and be my date." Dang she was forward.

I'd been pretty slow to take up my part in whatever type of relationship this was. I hadn't called her or anything but we texted sometimes. I could tell she'd been waiting for a formal ask out type thing. I just didn't know If I was going to give it.

Anne and Madden walked back in, Madden looking frustrated and Anne looking just as angry. Damn, what was happening to this small town. It was spinning on it's head. All because of a certain girl's reappearance.

The door chimed at the front of the store and my eyes briefly drifted up to see none other than Allison herself walk through the door. What the hell? She never came here.

"What's she doing here?" Liana's friend Penelope said, glowering and walking over.

"The bat's out of the cave." Liana said snidely, laughing at her own joke.

I shot Liana a disapproving look and she just rolled her eyes at me. Man she could be such a bitch sometimes. I don't know what Allison has don to Liana in a week to piss her off so much and honestly you could explain it to me and I probably still wouldn't understand.

Allison met my eyes and smiled just a little before Jo walked through the door and ushered her to the counter.

"Jo is with her now?" Pen said, jaw dropping.

"Yeah they've been hanging out." Anne said, still watching them order their coffee's.

Liana muttered something under her breath before leaning back against me and meeting my gaze.

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