Ch:3 Caroline's Sweet Smile

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As I walked into the grill I was not expecting Caroline to practically knock me over. She was very happy (I think everyone could tell) that I was here. "STEFAN!!!" She shouted loud enough for the whole town to hear. Caroline had her trademark smile on as always and was beaming like a ray of sunshine. "Hey Caroline. You're one of the happiest people in the world right now." I said back to her which made her laugh. "Well a whole summer away and no phone calls or texts. No wonder I'm excited just to hear your voice!" Caroline added. I felt bad. Caroline is one of my true friends. I know Elena and Damon are obviously my friends but I can't deal with them right now. I should have at least texted to say I was ok. "Lets go sit down." She said almost snapping me out of the strange thought trance I was in.

"There is so so much you have missed Stefan." Caroline said once we reached our table. I wonder what had happened while I was gone. A whole summer is a long time to be gone. Especially when you live with vampires, hybrids, werewolves, witches, doppelgängers and also Matt Donovan. "You're the only person who actually is happy for me to be back so far." I said hinting that Elena and Damon weren't exactly the best hosts. "You're welcome to stay with me. As long as you want." She paused for that last bit. I could tell she understood what happened with Elena and Damon. "Thanks Car. You know that I really appreciate you." I said. Kind of applying that she was my favourite. I could tell she got the hint. "Anyways what happened with Tyler?" I said quickly changing the conversation. "That's a long story" Caroline replied almost drowning herself in her drink. "Tyler and me broke up a little bit after you left. I'm glad we did because..." I could tell she didn't want to speak about it. "I get it. You don't have to go through the details. He was a jerk anyways." I said to cheer her up. I looked at my phone. Almost 5 hours here. "All of my stuff is at my house. I will go get it." I said. I paid for the food and left telling Caroline I would meet her at her house later.

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