cocooning myself in blankets,
sipping on scolding hot drinks,
surrounding myself with loud music,
blocking out the responsibilities of life.hiding under the yellow, artificial lights,
watching the world from behind a glass barrier,
dancing like nobody is watching,
because no one is.boredom creeps in like an unwanted guest,
my eyelids grow weary mid-afternoon,
i crave fresh air but I lack the motivation to breathe it in,
lazy days seemed so fun at first.loneliness gestures towards me with its icy finger,
the silence around me judges my every move,
i can't shake the feeling that I've wasted the day,
the possibilities were endless when the sun rose.and now they are nothing but dreams for another day,
intangible dreams,
for every day is a lazy day,
nothing is ever accomplished.***
An accurate representation of my whole winter holiday, I think I've left the house about five times in almost three weeks. Some feedback about how these poems have been so far would be useful, I'm always wanting to develop and grow as a writer.

Poesíapoetry to reflect my turbulent, troubling, and tiresome time on this planet.