Chapter 3

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I dry my fragile body with fluffy white towels, avoiding any open and bleeding wounds. Digging through the cabinet, I eventually find the needed supplies too rewrap the cuts on my hands and knees. Once doing so, i lazily shrug the clean clothes that happened too not be mine, on my slightly damp body. I exit the steamy bathroom, and seat myself on the edge of the bed I had been previously sleeping in, noticing the broken glass was now gone. "I hope you don't mind using my clothes, it takes a while to get that much blood out" sheepishly spoke Yoongi as he walked into the room, sitting across from me in a wood woven chair. I could see the caution in his mysterious eyes, I noted the safe distance he put between us. "Are you hungry?" He asked, attempting to get any sort of answer from me. I contemplate wether or not I should trust this stranger to feed me anything, but then again he did clean my wounds and allow me to use his shower. I simply nod my head, watching him stand and leave.

After a few minutes of being alone in the room, I began too grow cold. Beside my cool shower, the room was quite chilled itself. My fingers itch to pull the covers over my  body, and the temptation grows. I don't want to ruin my chances. Just as I run the tips of my fingers over the silky blankets that sit beneath me, the door opens and I yank my hands into my lap. "I'm not sure what you like to eat, so I made a variety" explained Yoongi, setting a tray down onto the bed side table. The smell of food engulfed my nose and made my stomach grumble loudly, causing me to flush in embarrassment. The silver tray contained a large bowl of soup, a couple thick slices of bread, a home made sub sandwich and, a plastic cup of ice water. "If you don't like something or your allergic, tell me" The man ordered, handing me a spoon and napkin. I began eating immediately.

Yoongi sat in the wooden chair silently, closely observing me as I scoffed down the food. I finished fairly quickly and wiped my mouth with the napkin, "Thank you" I mutter softly as I stack my dirty dishes onto the tray. The pale man simply smiles and picks up the object, rising up and opening the door with one hand in order too exit the cold bed room. I follow him, my eyes scanning over the house intently.
It was small yet humble, bland colors enlightened with bright warmer ones that he clearly did not choose. "I didn't want all the colorful accessories, my friend Hoseok said the lack of expression was depressing so he redesigned" explained Yoongi, running water from kitchen faucet onto the messy plates and silverware. I don't respond, instead i merely swatch my hand across the leather couch and hum to myself when the texture tickles my skin.

"Can I ask you some questions?" Asked Yoongi blandly, his voice becoming flat. It seems as though he has relaxed around me enough to cut the nice act. I nod my head and sit myself on an arm chair, resisting the urge to close my eyes and sink into the comfortable cushions. "Your name is Park Jimin, I know that. How old are you ?" The man inquires, wandering over and standing near me. "19" I say breathlessly, my lungs clenching at how close he was too me. "Still pretty young, huh. Where do you go to school?" Yoongi asked again, staring down at me with his dark orbs that seemed to suck every last breath right from my lips. "I don't go to school" I try to say, my voice cracking and quivering. He is too close.

I began to realize what exactly is happening. I am in a strangers house, I ate his food, I used his shower and I am exposing myself. This man knows my name and has seen my battered body. I can not be here any longer. "What happened to you? Your bruised and scarred" Yoongi asks, just as I stand suddenly. I feel bile bubbling up my throat, burning and sizzling at the tender skin. My pupils dilate, my hands sweat and my chest tightens. Fountains of tears spill past my barriers washing over my cheeks, and I stumble towards the front door. I hear foot steps behind me while I fumble with the lock, my breathing becoming loud and rigid. "Jimin please calm down" a voice called out, making my head teeter and spin.

I rip open the heavy door, huffing when the lock twisted. I spring out into the drive way, attempting too balance on my weak and wobbly legs yet fail and flop to the cement. My skin tears and stings just below my left eye, and   I claw at the rough concrete with stubby nails. I attempt to stand but groan as pain shoots up my ankle, causing me to stumble but I catch myself on the side of an old, beat up truck. Whipping my head around, I see Yoongi on the porch with his eyes sad and pitiful. I'm sick of the pitiful stares.

I limp down the side walk, using my shirt sleeve to pat away the droplets of blood from under my swollen eye. A car swoops by and stops abruptly once seeing my thumb jutting out, reversing in order too pick me up. "Where ya headed?" The woman asks, her high pitched voice annoying me instantly. " 2309 West Farckle Drive" I manage to speak up, shuddering when a gust of wind hits me out of the east. The driver is young, I doubt she'd know the address of a prostitution building located in the dark depths of the city. The lady smiles and unlocks the car, awaiting me to join her in the sleek Honda. I open the door and slip into the heated seat, slamming it shut and watching her type the address I gave her, into the built in GPS. "Thank you for the ride" I cough out, wheezing air into my weak lungs. "You're welcome hun" The woman grins, facing me with a pearly bright smile. How can someone be so happy?

We arrive at the building within the next hour or so, I hop out and she waves as I pull open the door. My bare feet meet with cold tile, still feeling better than the absolutely freezing pavement. I am greeted with a large slap in the face, another hand squeezing my neck harshly. "Where the fuck were you?" My boss hisses, his words biting into my ear as I feel the fear ball up in the pit of my stomach. "I-I got home late last night and my alarm didn't work" I lie, knowing I wasn't at my 'house' nor did I have an alarm clock. I don't sleep anyway. A threatening grip is pressed against my pressure point, "Get your ass in there" He growls before shoving me. I scurry down the hall and scramble to open the room I work in, standing transfixed when I see a client already sitting on the rusty old chair, waiting. He notices my entry, and smiles.

I shut the door and let him trap me against it, grazing his teeth across my collar bone through the clothes that aren't even mine. The man smells of cigarettes and mint, cleaner than most clients I normally attend too. "You're a bit late" He speaks, his voice vibrating into my skin, groping hands touch over my groin and I shut my eyes. I try to block out his scratching hands, devilish eyes and sharp teeth. His mouth closes over a patch of my neck while one hand is stuffed down the front of my pants. My eyes shoot open, as my brain plays tricks on me when I see a different face Infront of me.

Min Yoongi.

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