Chapter 4

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He holds my head into the stained mattress, pushing into me with no various warning. I grit my teeth as I am entered, sinking stubbing nails into my own palms and nearly drawing blood. "Mm what a little slut" the Man groans as he sets into a steady pace, ripping into my back with his dirty, dirty hands. He continues spewing profanities and nasty assumptions into my ear with low growls, quickening his speed as his climax neared. Through the years I began recognizing when my client is close, the sharp intakes of breathes and stuttering hip thrusts. He lets out a strangled moan that makes me gag quietly, and I feel the rubbery condom fill with his sticky semen. I let two tears slip and I don't wipe them away.

The disgraceful Male releases me from his bruising grip, slipping out of me. I can feel the opened flesh swell and produce blood, dripping down onto the mattress. "Looks like I went a little rough" laughs the Man as he stares down at me, continuing to stroke himself over my exhausted body. I am laying flat on my stomach with my eyes and legs laying sloppily at my sides, I turn my head to look up at the stranger. He flashes me a wicked grin and I clench my jaw shut, shifting to sit up. The Man seems to have other intentions when I stand and began walking away, his hand shooting out and latching onto my elbow forcefully. "Baby I'm not done yet" He slurs, dropping his fingers to my wrist and tugging it down toward his cock. "You rented me for 1 hour and 30 minutes, it has been exactly that. Get your shit and leave." I hiss, flinching when a sudden head ache pounds against my frontal lobe.

"Last time i checked, im the one who is in charge. So shut that pretty little mouth and get on the fucking bed" He spits out, yanking me too the floor and ignoring my cry when my back cracks and pops against the concrete. My head slams against the cement and the breath is knocked out of me, the man lands on my torso. Hands wrap around my neck and tighten, shaking my limp head back and forth with sudden power. My eyes bulge and my hands rise up in attempt to claw the man off, kicking my legs around. The world around me blurs and I feel myself slipping yet I am determined, through my lightheadedness and flailing limbs, I manage to jolt my knee upward and into the Strangers groin. He stills, sucks in a breath, then tips over with his hands on his crotch. I gasp for air but stumble forward, scrambling to throw on boxers and a long sleeved shirt lying around. My brain is scattered, and i run.

One tear slips and I do not wipe it.

(Sorry for not updating yesterday and I also apologize for this chapter being so short, I promise the next one will be better 😅)

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