Chapter 6

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I can feel the car vibrating by the time we park near the bustling club, music booming. My head hurts and my breath smells of putrid vomit, but hopefully the pain medication I was given can help. "Are you sure you want to come? I'm perfectly fine driving you home" Seokjin asks once again, his eyes connecting with mine throw the review mirror and I switch to gaze out of the window. "I'm fine" I mutter lowly and grip the arm rest, trying to keep my breathing steady as the nerves bustled and twisted. I am nervous to say the least.

"We are here, now I am going to go back stage and get ready for my performance. Hoseok, show him to the bar" Instructed Seokjin, his tone quiet motherly in some ways. The other male up front nods his head and they both open their doors and I follow suit, trailing behind while crossing the street towards the neon lit night club. We skip the long line that leads to the double doors, Hoseok telling me that Seokjin knows the bouncer from college which means we get in for free. I return a small grin instead of answering, not really caring about his past with the strange bouncer man.

"Seokjin! Honey you are late" Gasped another drag queen, rushing over to the three of us and embracing the older male. "I know I know, better late then never. Hobi, take Jimin and get him something to drink" Waved off Jin as he shot us a large smile and shuffled off behind stage. Hoseok yelled a short 'Bye!' before turning to me, A large toothy smile ignites on his heart shaped lips when he slips his hand in mine. I feel myself tense, my muscles strain and my mouth dries. The man doesn't try anything with me, simply pulls me along the crowds of people and in the direction of the bar.

"Excuse me? Can I get a Martini and a Tequila Sunrise" Hoseok yells over the pounding music, ordering a drink for me with out asking my preference. "Trust me, you'll like the Tequila Sunrise it's really sweet" reassures the boy, and I smile slightly at his light attitude. The bartender repeats the order and begins mixing liquids together, colors blooming and I stare intently as he works his magic. "Jimin-ssi do you want to dance?" Hoseok asks me, bringing my attention away from the bartenders talented hands. My face flushes and twist my fingers in and out of each other's grip, "I-I don't really dance" I sputter, embarrassed highly. Hoseok laughs lightly and I bite my tongue, "Anyone can dance, I expect you to join me on the dance floor once we finish our drinks" He says amusingly, and I feel warmth spread in my chest. His smile reminds me of the summer days I spent with my mother when I was young, splashing around in the back yard with only the hose and my dear mom letting fits of laughter release every time I sprayed her or vise versa.

A glass is handed to me and the colors of orange and pink are swirled, creating a sunset type view. "Ohh your's has cherries in it" observes Hoseok childishly, pointing at it with wide and gleaming eyes. I scoff and take a gulp, relaxing as the sweet, cool taste enters my mouth and I close my eyes. "Told you its good" smirked Hoseok, tipping his angled glass towards me before sipping it as well. We lean against the bustling bar, standing in comfortable silence as music blasts into our ear drums. I tip the drink back one last time before it's empty, the only thing left are ice cubes and two red cherries. I remove the fruits from the glass and tap Hoseok on the shoulder, plopping one in his hand before eating my own. He offers me a 'thank you' before moving closer, his lips dangerously close to my ear. "Come on, let's dance" He speaks loudly and I control the shiver that threatens to roll down my neck, I just shrug and let the orange haired male pull me into an ocean of dancing bodies.

The music changes to a hip hop song with a heavy bass, and I can feel the ground beneath me quiver and shake. Hoseok smiles at me and begins dancing, the moves seemingly perfect. He was certainly natural at dancing and didn't need to try very hard to rock it out, people laughing and dancing along with him as I stand and stare. "Jimin! Dance with me!" He yells as he prances my way, I feel myself shrink and people's eyes on me. My hands sweat and I shift uncomfortably but Hoseok is determined to see me on the dance floor, and I soon feel his hands on my fore arms. I don't let myself object and the male brings me into the crowd, continuing to hold onto my arms.

Hoseok swings my arms from side to side, attempting to get me in the mood of dancing. I weakly bounce to the rhythm, giving no effort at all in the situation. The ginger groans and releases his grip, patting my shoulder as he lightly presses into me, "Ah jimin, we are going to get you a little more drunk" he sheepishly chuckles. My eye brows furrow and I look into his soft eyes, "why?" I inquire as he pushes past more sweaty bodies. "Because obviously you are holding back, and alcohol tends to loosen people up!" Explains the elder, his voice dripping in enthusiasm. I sigh loudly and roll my eyes, suppressing the urge to smile and laugh, instead I loudly yell into his pierced ear. "Hoseok, just get out there", and so he does.

Some how I found my way back to the front of the building, shot glasses piling up near me. I guess I may have drifted about until I found the bar again, taking it upon myself to order several rounds of vodka. The flavor is strong and artificially citrusy but it still causes me to grimace at its intensity, My head beginning to spin just slightly. I am most definitely tipsy.

"Do you wanna accompany me to the dance floor?" A voice perks up behind me, allowing me to swivel the chair in order to face the person. A marvelously tall man stands there with wide shoulders and fluffy dark hair, And though I may be a bit drunk I can tell he is no ordinary Joe. From the designer shoes all the way up to his cocky smirk, I can tell that this man is loaded with unneeded money. My eyes connect with his, and I splash a fake grin. I shake my head and let him take me into the crowd, My plan is in motion.

Hoseok was right, once the liquor set in, my body became less uptight. I allow the music to invade my pores soulfully, The pounding beat aching my heart. I smear a falsely seductive expression onto my face and push myself closer  to the stranger, His hands bracing on my hips and my back against his chest. I feel him grind up against my back side while I grip his arms, fluently moving along with him as I contain the gag that pulses in my throat. This is absolutely disturbing, but if it works then I can not complain. "Mm What's your name sweetheart?" He asks into my ear, biting the shell as I dig my stubby nails into his silky suit. "Jimin, and you are?" I utter loudly, forcing a small giggle when he tells me to repeat myself because of the music. "Chanyeol" He manages to call out and I just smile, Both of us returning to the heated atmosphere of the previous dance.


Sorry for not updating, I am having a hard time finding motivation. I really want to update tomorrow but I'm so busy ugh, and also I needed a random KPOP male name so why not throw in Chanyeol am I right? Lmao sorry, ily you all !!!

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