Chapter 11

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  I walked with Jason back up to my dorm, shit faced as I held a beer can. Jason though it was hilarious as my drunken self walked up the stairs and tried to open doors. Key word:


It was nearing the end of winter break, and Jason's friends had a party. I'm suprised, since I crushed Patrick.... oh, yeah.

We started dating, but I ended it because of school. My teachers noticed a drop in my education, and they talked to me about it, considering I got A's in all my classes. He understood... well, he was more worried than anything, I guess. Jason didn't beat my face in like I thought he would, but I guess that's a good thing. He even invited me to a party, which of course led to this.

I swore to myself I wouldn't drink or smoke because, as my mom proved, it was addicting and harmful. I went against it though.

"It'll be fine. It'll be fun. Loosen up a bit!"

Fuck peer pressure.

Jason laughed as he helped me to my dorm room," Can you open this door without my help?"

"Shhhhhh," My drunken self pushed his shoulder," I can do it."

My drunken self managed to open the door and stumbled in, turning and closing it. I turned back to find my confused roommate. Forgot about you.

"Um... You good?" Jayden raised an eyebrow, confused yet concerned showed in his facial expression.

"Yuusssss," My drunken self stumbled to my bed and sat down, taking another sip from the can.

"Are you sure?" He stood and walked to me, tilting his head and looking at the beer can," How much did you have?"

I held up my hand, counting my fingers," Seven~"

Jayden dropped his jaw," Are you serious?!"

I drunkenly laughed," Gooottt yooouu. This is my fourth" I held the can up to my mouth before Jayden took it from me.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Let's just put this over here," Jayden put the drink on my desk.

I pouted," You're not my mom" I stood and reached for the can.

"Well, if I have to act like your mom, then I will," Jayden picked up the can and held it out of my reach.

"Shhh, if you were my mom, y-ou'd be worssee than me~," My drunken self stood and grabbed the can, putting my arm on Jayden's shoulder," Don't worry, I'll say the bruises are from soccer, iiitt'll be fine~"

My drunken self laughed as his shocked expression," Ha~ that look isss great on you by the way, good talk."

Jayden took the can and threw it in the garbage," You're going to bed. Get dressed."

I let out a dramatic sigh before walking to my closet. I grabbed a pair of boxers and a T-shirt before getting undressed.
  "U-um," Jayden's face started turning red," Please change in the bathroom."

"Pfft, look away then," I continued, pulling on my boxers and T-shirt before falling backwards onto my bed.

  I adjusted into a comfortable sleeping position and closed my eyes. The red and yellow I saw through my eyelids changed to black when the light switch was clicked off.



I woke up to the feeling of a wet cloth being placed on my forehead, which is helping my sweating self. Why is it so hot? Why does my head hurt? Damn, I feel like shit. I opened my eyes slightly to find Jayden sitting next to me on my bed. The last thing I remember is leaving that party with Jason.

Jayden sighed, holding my face in his hand. I was certainly confused, of course. Anyone would be if their bipolar roommate decided to do this. He lent down slowly, as not to wake me-To late- and kissed my cheek before standing and walking to the bathroom.

What the shit?

I began to feel nervous as I slowly shifted in the bed to check the time. 3 A.M., sick. I heard the bathroom door open again, and I quickly acted like I was asleep again, the choth fallinh of the bed. Jayden appeared, walkikg to the bed and picking up the cloth, then sitting next to me fake sleeping.

He moved the hair off of my forehead before putting the cloth back on my head. After a few minutes of him just sitting there, I decided to confront him.

I opened my eyes and looked over at him. He jumped slightly, surprised. I slowly sat up, holding the cloth in my hands," What are you doing?"

He said nothing, taking the cloth and putting it back on my head.

"Dude, what are you doing?" I grabbed his arm that he was using to hold the cloth.

He gave a frustrated sigh, lazily throwing the cloth on the bed," How many drinks did you have?"

I tilted my head at his concern," A few, I don't remember. Why do you care, anyway."

"Fuck it," Jayden said and abruptly took my face, pulling me into a kiss.

I started kissing back without thinking, sliding my arms around him and pulling him closer.

And there I was. Sitting on my bed, kissing my
"Homophobic" roommate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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