Black Bear

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You held out your finger towards the door with the black bear above it. "Wrath, lovely choice." He whispered as he pushed you towards the door. Your hand was shaking as you grasped the doorknob. You slowly opened the door. The image of disembodied limbs hanging from the ceiling and attached to the wall almost scared you away from the door. But you froze when you saw the boy in the room. His white hair and dark eyes boring into you; beckoning you into the room. No, not beckoning. Demanding that you come in. You slowly stepped into the room and before you knew it, you were standing right before the boy.

He stared at you with cold eyes, anger seething behind the beauty of them. "Welcome to the room of wrath. Torn apart by the boiling anger in your blood." He informed you with a harsh tone. Despite the anger that he clearly embodied, there was something about him that kept you intrigued. You looked around the room once again, almost becoming sick at the sight of the limbs, but not being able to fight fantasy of your ex-boyfriend being part of the pieces.

"What brings an... angel like you to a room like this?" He asked, spitting out the word angel like it was an insult. You looked back at him and felt yourself shrinking away.

With a deep breath, you opened your mouth to speak. "I'm escaping my troubles." You told him in a voice that was barely over a whisper.

"This room isn't really for escape. It is more for embracing it, the pain it brought you. Beating the pain out." He scoffed as he gestured towards a bat in the corner of the room. "The names Namjoon." He informed you as he started to walk towards the back of the room. There was glass on that side; vases, cups, plates, sculptures. You stared at them, wondering what such beauty was doing in a black void of anger as the one you stood in. You started to walk further into the room, going towards the crystalized items. As you walked, you could feel a cloud coming over you. It was like nothing you had ever felt before. The pain, the sorrow, the hurt that you had felt from your ex-boyfriend began to surface once again, but with a stronger feeling leading the wave. Pure wrath. The type of anger that made your blood boil and your heart race.

By the time you reached the other end of the room, you were seeing red. Or rather, black. Dark images of your ex-boyfriend, lying in the bed with his lover. The only other color in the mental images was the red of their blood. A sharp scarlet that cut through the serenity of the black and white images. You felt a pair of hands take you by the shoulders and lips lowered to your ear. The het coming off the boy behind you added to the heat already growing within you. "That's it. Submit to the anger." He breathed into your ear. A shudder of pleasure ran down your spine. A larger object was placed in your hands, wooden and a bit heavy.

You blinked a few times, ridding your mind of the images that had flooded your mind, and stared down at the bat in your hand. Despite it appearing as a normal wooden bat, it was heavier than normal. You attempted to pick it up, but you found it far more difficult. "If you want to make it easier, all you have to do is admit your sin. Admit you are a sinner." Namjoon told you, his voice holding annoyance that only tempted you more. You bit your lip, staring from the bat to him. How easily he could probably swing the bat. How strong he had to be to do so. How he could probably lift you as easily as the bat.

"I am a sinner..." You let the words trail off your tongue, not caring anymore. You didn't care about anything anymore. All you wanted was let out everything you had ever held inside you. All the pent up rage and the violence you refused to show the world. Whether it was because you were a 'lady' or 'too delicate' you didn't give a shit anymore. You swung the bat up, twirling it in a circle to the side of you. Winding back and putting all your power into it, you swung the bat towards the glass on the table before you and let out a sigh as you heard the shattering sound fill the room.

Like the glass shattering, you felt all sadness, worry, insecurity shatter away and left you with a confidence and strength you had not previously known was possible. You swung again, and again, letting out a slur of curses fall from your lips.

Once every last piece of glass was broken, you threw the bat towards the wall, splintering the wood bat again the hard, bricked wall. You turned to the boy and found him smiling down at you. You smirked at him. You hated seeing a boy looking so happy. Men didn't deserve that sort of enjoyment. Not after what you went through.

You reached up, slapping the smile off of his face. He brought his hand up to his cheek, rubbing it gently before turning to you with his own anger filled eyes. "But now you must rid yourself of all such things as these: anger," as he said the word he grabbed you by the wrist, pulling you tightly against him. "Rage," He placed both arms around you, taking hold of the back of your dress, a hand on either side of the zipper, and ripped it open; letting the fabric fall to the floor. "Malice," He picked you up, with as much ease as you had suspected early, and pushed you against the black wall. You could feel the disembodied limbs all around you on the wall, sticking out and reaching towards you. "Slander." He licked up tour body, starting from your navel to your collarbones. His hands roamed your body; like hungry animals impatient to devour their prey. "And filthy language from your lips." With the last part of the biblical verse spoken, he crashed his lips against yours.

His lips moved against yours with absolutely no gentleness or mercy. They were fierce, uncaring of the bruising you would probably face as well as the future swollenness of your lips. But you didn't care either. You reached up, placing your fingers in his hair and tangling them in with the thick strands. You pulled slightly, savoring the sound of him moaning against you. There was no waiting. He pulled down his pants, letting them pool around his ankles. He pulled his face away from yours, staring into your eyes with his now red eyes. Another shudder ran through you, stopping and resting at your core. You squirmed, your sex ready and yearning for Namjoon's.

You reached out towards his, only to have your hand slapped away. His smile was teasing. You knew he would over power you, and that enraged you more. You pushed off the wall, placing your legs around his waist as you kissed him again. He fell back, dropping to the floor as you took the spot on top. You smiled wickedly at him, reached down to his member and starting to stroke it. He reached up with his own hand, placing it on your inner thigh and working his way towards your hot mound.

You slapped his hand away, forcing him to wait as you had to. You continued to pump his erection, purring each time he let out a harsh groan from the back of this throat. Just as he was starting to get closer, he flipped you around, regaining his spot of authority. He took your hands away and held them above your hand; both wrists being held securely in his one large hand. He reached down with his free hand, skimming his fingers over your wet slit.

You held in a moan, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. But he knew how much you were enjoying it, and that was enough to irritate you more. Without warning or waiting, he slipped two fingers between your folds, thrusting them in and out at a fast pace that matched your racing heart. You finally let out a moan, louder than you had expected, as your body filled with fiery bliss. It felt as though your body was going to spontaneously combust at any moment, and all you wanted was to push him back down and take control.

You tried, but his strength overpowered yours easily. He smiled, curling his fingers upward so he was hitting your g-spot in just the right way. You felt your climax approaching fast and you knew that you didn't want to finish like this. You wanted to feel him inside you. But you weren't going to beg. Like hell he was going to bring you to that point. You bit your lip, trying your hardest to hold in your rushing euphoric end.

Namjoon smiled down at you, knowing you what you were trying, and added a third finger to drive you absolutely insane. You threw your head back, unable to hold it in any longer as you exploded around his fingers. When you opened your eyes, you found him smirking at you in triumph, and you felt the urge to smack him again.

He brought himself up to his feet. "Well, my dear, it looks like you have a bit more rage to work out of your system now." He said as he tossed you a new bat. You wrapped your hand around the metal bat and started to stand. "Welcome to the Garden of Evil." The words danced in the still air as you looked around. You were alone in the room now, a new set of glass items lining the table before you, and the bat in your hand feeling as though it weighed a ton.

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