Yellow Frog

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You held out your finger towards the door with the yellow frog above it. "Greed, lovely choice." He whispered as he pushed you towards the door. Your hand was shaking as you grasped the doorknob. You opened the door slowly and was blinded by the sight of gold everywhere. You stepped into the room and saw how the gold covered everything, from the walls, to the ceiling, to the floor, to the luxurious furniture that inhabited the room. It was like the Midas touch from Greek mythology.

In the room, sat a man with a large smile on his face as he twirled a gold coin between his fingers. As you entered the room, the faint smell of oil filled your nostrils. You looked around for the oil, but all you saw was the gold. But as you moved further into the room, the walls seemed to be almost melting right in front of you. "Welcome to the room of greed. Boiled in only the finest of oils." The man informed you as he looked up from his coin.

He flicked it towards you; surprised at how easily you grabbed it. You looked at it and found that it was a measly penny. When you looked back at him, he still held the gold coin in his hand. Of course, he would never give something so rich. But you still found yourself holding the penny almost possessively.

He smirked at you, standing up from his seat and walking over to you. He placed a slim finger on your chin and smiled brightly at you. "So what brings a sweet angel like you to a room like this?" He asked, his voice was thick with yearning as he smiled down at you.

"Escaping my troubles." You told him in a confident voice; finding it easy to talk to him. He placed his hand around the back of your neck and you heard a clicking sound as your necklace was unclasped and fell into his hand.

"I don't know how much solace you will find here. But I'm sure there are things here that will distract you." He said as he handed you back your necklace with a teasing grin, his fingers still lingering on the chain like he would pull it away at any moment. "The name's Hoseok." He leaned in closer to you. You smiled at him, reaching up for your necklace only for it to be pulled just out of reach. You leaned closer to the boy, but he moved away from you. He held up your necklace and threw it into the pile of riches he had.

You stared at them as they gleamed in your eyes. There were thousands of golden items, shimmering like stars in the brightness of the room. He started to fall back into his seat, a large couch made of luxurious leather. He waved you forward, staring at you as though you were just another item for his purchase. You never knew what it felt like to be looked at like you were an item, but you were honestly feeling turned on by it. There was something you liked about the want and desire in eyes. They seemed to match your own.

You shook your head, clearing your mind of the thoughts so alien to you. The idea of this boy being yours and only yours. The thought of having him all to yourself. The idea of locking the door, locking away the rest of the world from intruding and taking what was yours. "So, my angel, do you see anything you find tempting?" He asked. His eyes skimmed over you, as though answering his own question, before moving on to the rest of the room.

You felt your throat go dry as you stared at him. You remained silent as you followed his gaze. There were items of immense beauty. You turned, staring at the jewelry and clothing and shoes that scattered the floor like forgotten trash. "Those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction." Hoseok's deep voice whispered from just behind you. You didn't bother to move to look at him. You knew he was there. Of course he was. Because he was yours. And in a way, you were his. And you knew he would not let you go until he got exactly what he wanted. But you wouldn't complain. So long as you got what you wanted as well.

His fingers delicately grasped the zipper of your dress. He slowly pulled it down, letting your dress fall lose on your body as he carefully removed it. "Such cheap fabric. Nothing suitable for my toy." Your toes curled as the word 'toy' left his lips. You didn't want to argue. You couldn't argue. The way he was eyeing you, you knew you were his new play toy.

With a momentary sound of ruffling, you were handed a new dress. You stared at the gold dress, something you had seen in several magazines, but could never imagine actually wearing. Just as you took the garment into your hands, Hoseok snatched it back. "My dear, I do not merely give away my belongings. Not to anyone. I only give to those who give to me. Those who admit to their greed. Those who have sinned, and are proud. Those who want. Do you want?" He stood before you, leaning down so he was staring you in the eyes. A shudder ran up and down your spine. You felt thirty. Like you were suffocating on the smell of oils. Every swallow was painful, like a clump of the liquid gold tried to force its way down your throat.

"Well? Do you want? Want the pleasure of a small touch? Want the taste of tantalizing lips against yours? Want vengeance on someone who used you and threw you away? Want to be a new toy?" He leaned closer to you, reaching up and letting his hand over just a centimeter away from your burning cheeks. You leaned your face towards him, wanting to steal the touch that he was teasing you with. But he pulled his hand away.

"I want it. I want you." You said quickly. You wanted everything he said. You wanted it all.

With a wide smile and darkness in his eyes, he moved closer to you. "Good, because I know exactly what I want. And I always get what I want." He informed you in a growl as he pulled you against him. His lips crashed against yours, gentle to not bruise or ruin his new belonging. He ran his fingers through your hair, expertly undoing your hair pins and throwing them into the pile of items that littered the floor. He guided you as he walked back towards the couch, sitting down and pulling you on top so you were straddling him.

His lips moved against your passionately as you felt his hands roaming over your body. You moaned, wanting to feel more of him. Wanting to take all the pleasure for yourself. As the thought entered your mind, you felt him slowly guiding you off of his lap and onto the floor. You pulled your lips away, knowing exactly what he wanted. You slid off his lap, kneeling on the hard ground between his legs. You leaned up, trailing kisses down his neck as your fingers fumbled with the delicate buttons of his designer shirt. Once you undid it, you continued to kiss down his body. Skimming your tongue over his abs as you made your way further south on his body.

Your fingers carefully unclasped the button of his pants, lowing them just enough so that you could free his erect sex. You slowly wrapped your hand around it, starting to pump it, as Hoseok placed his hand on your chin. "I want you to look at me." He demanded as he moved your chin up so you were making eye contact with him. The look of complete authority in his eyes made you shudder.

You lowered your mouth to his tip, keeping your eyes locked with his. Your lips parted, letting your tongue roll around his sensitive tip. Hoseok's head fell back, his eyes shuttering close as a single breathy moan escaped his lips. You wanted to hear it again. You wanted to hear him moaning louder. You wanted to taste him. You took his member into your mouth, savoring the way it cause him to moan louder. Exactly what you wanted to hear.

His hand rested on the top of your head, stroking your hair like a pet. You lowered your head more, taking more of him inside you before pulling up and repeating the movement. You listened to his groaning, wanting to hear even more as you picked up your pace. You started to reach down, placing your fingers at your own yearning sex, but he stopped you. He pulled your hand away and you glanced up at him. "My toys only receive pleasure when I say so." He instructed you in a cold voice. Your eyes widened momentarily, but you nodded your head once in agreement.

You quickly returned to giving him the pleasure that he wanted. You moved your head faster, listening to his moans, getting your own sort of pleasure from the knowledge that the moans were just for you. They were your applauds.

You felt his body tense, his hand on your head lightly gripping your hair as he began to thrust into your mouth. His thrusting became rougher and faster as he approached his peek. He let out one loud moan before exploding his salty seed into your mouth.

"Thank you my little angel." He whispered as he got dressed again. He handed you the gold dress as well as an expertly cut amber dangling before you on a golden chain. You snatched up the items, as though they would be pulled away from you again at any moment. You stared down at the gem. "Welcome to the Garden of Evil." His voice entered your ears, dancing around in your mind, without really being heard. All you could focus on was the piece of expensive jewelry in your hand.

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