Chapter - 4 Her nightmare or her Illusion ?

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“ I was the one who didn’t took care of her when she came in contact with the thing . Now , I can see what it has done to her. So , I will take her out of all this now.”

Olive was worried about Kiara’s situation right now. She came out of the ward where Kiara was resting and called Neil.
“ I have a plan that will take her away from her messed up life. She will realize that there are many things more interesting than her addiction. Things to live for , things worth dying for !” Neil said with a confidence in his voice . He was kind of sure that his idea was full proof and will be of great help to Kiara.
“And what is it ? Looking at Kiara right now , in a condition that she has put herself into , your idea needs to be strong enough to pull her back from her enslavement to weed.” Olive said , standing outside the glass door of the room where Kiara was sleeping. Her scars and wounds were enough to give someone the nightmares of their lives ! Her eyes ducked in deep , her lifeless ,pale face , her scarred arms and a thigh rolled up in bandages. It was like an innocent creature who had nothing left in her life that was worth living.

Reaching back to their home ,Kiara was lost in her deep thoughts. No one knew what she was brooding about. Olive made her sit on the couch and went to the kitchen to make coffee and some breakfast. She had a eye on Kiara who was sitting silently . Olive could no longer take this quietude and went to her with two cups of coffee in her hands. She sat beside her and asked her about the Harman incident. She opened up her soul to Olive and told her all about how Harman was using her to fulfill his revenge and how he kept her fixated on pot. She told Olive about what had happened the other day at Harman’s place and how she stood up against him. Kiara knew that Olive would always be there to take her on the right path , but she was certain about the fact that no matter whatever happens, her craving for weed will never come to an end.

“That son of a bitch ! I can’t imagine to what extent a person can fall down to feed his jealousy. Look Kiara , just forget about whatever happened with you in the last few months. I know it would be difficult for you to erase all those memories from your mind. But I just want one thing from you and that is a promise. A promise to keep yourself away from your deadly addiction at any cost ! A promise to love and embrace your life to the fullest !  And I promise that I will cross any freaking limit to keep you away from all that .”
Kiara gave her a faint smile , as all she knew was that a horrible phase of her life was about to start now. Keeping herself away from smoking weed was like asking her not to breathe.

Days went by and Olive started taking her out in the parks and the malls around. Fresh air was something that Kiara was unaware of since the last few months. The smoke had blurred her so much that the fresh air was suffocating her to death. She didn’t feel like trolling around in the gardens like a patient. She wanted space, space to smoke ! And being with Olive , that thing was not going to happen. She searched out ways to crossfade like staying in the bathroom for too long , going on the terrace for walks , sneaking in the bedroom to go to bed early , etc. She never opted to self harm now , but this habit was not going to leave her that easily.

When Olive got an idea of what Kiara was up to , she got disappointed and tried to talk to her . But Kiara wont stop and instead she would start crying like a new born hungry baby. It was all getting out of control day by day and then she called up Neil.
“ I can’t handle her anymore. I can’t sit quiet and watch her burning herself out. Please be quick in executing your plan.”
Olive cried her heart out on the call.
“Relax baby , everything’s done . I am on my way to your flat . Keep Kiara with you . She needs to listen to my plans.” Neil was too excited to continue his talk and he disconnected.

“So girls , here’s a plan ! I was thinking of taking both of you somewhere , a place that will soothe down your nerves. “ Neil said , rubbing his palms together in thrill. Olive was dying to hear his plans , but Kiara didn’t seem interested at all.
“A trek expedition to Ladakh ! It is well known as the Chadar Trek ….”
Kiara interrupted , “ Umm.. Neil , slow down for a while ! I don’t feel like going anywhere right now. You both go , have fun ! I respect your privacy . But please don’t force me to come along with you anywhere , Chadar or whatever it is ! Sorry .”
Neil pretended like he didn’t hear her and continued in his flow.
“Its not just anywhere, Kiara . This trek is over the frozen river Zanskar that becomes a thick sheet of ice during the winters. We will be staying in the little tents and the tiny huts over there. The days will be full of trekking activities and adventures. The nights would be chilling and will leave you dumbstruck in the beauty of the woods we will be living in. And it will be good for you Kiara , the dangers and the thrills that you would experience there will show you the worth of your life in its real sense. Nothing is over , Kia. A whole new part of you is left undiscovered within. Shed off the old skin and get ready to face the new challenges and experience the novel happiness that are about to come in your way. Please , we wont go if you wont be there with us.”
Olive was looking at Neil with her mouth wide open in surprise.He had never babbled this much in their entire relationship. But when it came to Olive’s tears about being worried for Kiara , there emerged a new Neil , as much caring about Kiara as Olive was. Olive now realized that he was the one she was searching for since forever.
Kiara on the other hand , appreciated Neil’s effort of making her happy but she didn’t agree.
“Kia , please say Yes ! I want to go there with you. I don’t want you to ruin your life like this , sinking down and down in gloominess. Please , for my sake baby !” Olive literally pleaded her.
Kiara looked at her. Was she the same Olive who saved her life on her very first day in Delhi ? That strong girl was on her knees , pleading her ! How could she be so mean and rude and forget all the favours that Olive had done for her till date ? She felt disgusted seeing Olive in that position with tears in her eyes. She pulled her up , embraced her and agreed to go on the trek. Neil saw both of them crying and went ahead to give them a big hug with a shout - “ The trek is On , baby !” And smiles spread on their faces.

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