Chapter-5 Mystery Revealed !

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The soft touch of those arms , the warm hold that brought her back to the motel , the trident tattoo on his right arm , the view of his hand in the cab that just passed by her , she wants to shout out but she doesn't even know his name , the taxi's horn is so loud that it is hurting her ears now !!!
Her hand tapped off the alarm clock on the table by the side of her bed. She woke up again nauseated by her dreams . She didnt had a smile on her face but there was an intense curiosity of finding out who the hell that guy was ! She shook off her spying head and got ready for work. After all , she was almost out of her pot addiction now and the mystery of the guy was craving to get solved by her .

Olive had many good friends in the city and again she was back there at Kiara's rescue . She got her the same old job but in a brand new cafe .
                      " Fate & Destiny ! "
Now , as Harman was out of the band obviously, Kiara was the only guitarist left out. Her fling with Harman was atleast beneficial in the way that Kiara was now able to play all kinds of tunes on her weapon now ! The trip to Leh-Ladakh had enchanted her so deeply that she now realized that no one is more important in her life than her dreams and her true friends. She was thankful to Neil and Olive for taking her on the trip. But she was more thankful to the secretive guy who had developed in her the sense of inquisitiveness to such an extreme level that she now wanted to be alert all the time , just to disclose the mystery of her tattooed hero ! And that was only possible by her not being high all the time . So , she had pledged not to smoke pot until and unless she reveals the identity of that person.

So , the cafe where she was working now was owned by a gay couple, Nishchay and Prithvi. Both of them were friends since their college life and came to know about each other during their stay at a place as paying guests. It's been 3 years now that they are in a healthy relationship. People's torture and comments never bothered them now. It was a pleasant experience for Kiara, working with them.

One Friday morning, when they were busy doing their chores in the cafe, Kiara took a break from the stage and straightened her back in the couch provided in a small cabin , where they all used to rest when the customers didn't create a rush. She closed her eyes for a while , thinking about what she would be playing in today's concert. The weekend was about to start and so was their concert in a few hours. She was creating a piece in her mind when she got lost again in the thoughts of her secret hero. These visuals- sturdy arms , warm hold , the divine tattoo , the soft manly voice , - were preventing her from sleeping peacefully every night since they were back from the trip. She was dying to meet him again , know him better and make him an inseparable part of her life . But where would she find him ? She had been searching for his name and contact number in the passenger list that was sent as an attachment on the e-ticket of the train. But , she knew she couldn't call each and every person and find him out amongst those strangers.

For a moment , she lost faith in herself and gave up on the idea of pulling the guy out of the curtains. It seemed to be a waste of time to her. She heard the door unlocking and the sound of someone speaking.
"As long as I am there with you , you never need to think about the people's taunts. It's our life and no one should be telling us what is wrong and what is not. Nothing else matters to me except our happiness. So, stop being such a cry baby and be a man !"
Prithvi was comforting Nishchay by his words. They entered the room , Prithvi's arms on Nishchay's shoulders.
"I don't like being a man. But I like you !" Nishchay started smiling . Prithvi kissed his forehead and their eyes met Kiara's .
"Oh Kia , sorry to disturb you ! We can leave the room if you want to rest for a while." Prithvi said politely.
"Oh no no , you take up your space. I was leaving anyway." Kiara said with a smile.
"What's the matter , Kia ? Since many days , I have been watching you. You seem a little lost. If you don't mind , you can share it with us. " Nishchay asked.
Nishchay and Prithvi were some of those golden hearted people with whom Kiara could share any of her problems. They were sweet and kind , they knew that Kiara respected their privacy and was proud of who they are. They got quite close to each other in these months. But Kiara didn't want to open up her life to them right now. Nishchay insisted her.
"Kia , you know what ? Right now , you are not feeling free to share your problems with us. No issues. But I have a gut feeling that one day , you will find a guy with whom you will open up your soul so freely that your life would seem incomplete without him. You will know the meaning of trusting someone to the extreme point."
Kiara cleared the fact that it is not the trust that she is not feeling comfortable to share what's going on in her mind with them.
"Sorry , I didn't mean to hurt your sentiments. But I have gone through a lot in the last few months. Love seems a word that doesn't exist for me. But whenever I see you both or Neil and Olive together , happy as hell , I kind of get disappointed. Is this kind of love not made for me ? Why am I being deprived of this pure feeling ?" Kiara broke down into tears saying this. She loosened herself in Prithvi's lap and cried out. Nishchay saw the scars on her arms and legs. His hands went there to touch them. His touch felt a kind of sadness in her wounds and a tear fell down his eyes.
" It's not that I don't want someone to get so close to me that I could get my soul naked in front of him. I want that very badly. But whenever I think , I have found that guy , my choices disappoint me. You both have each other , Neil and Olive found each other and here I am , left all alone with a scarred body and shrunk soul. All I want is a guy , who would crawl inside my body , find out where I am most ruined and love me there !"
Prithvi and Nishchay consoled her in their warm embraces and tapping her head gently. They urged her to stop crying and to focus on her next performance in the concert. She invited them to the concert in the evening . They agreed to come and bring some of their friends along. She kissed them both on their cheeks and went off to the flat , to get ready for the evening's show.

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