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A/N: Again, if you didn't know already, I changed Reader's club from wrestling to MMA because I felt it fit this part better. Also, I changed the POV from third to second. I find it easier to write XReaders like that. I will go back and edit the first part to be second POV at a later date because I'm too lazy to do it nowXP

It was nearly a week and a half after your impromptu meeting with Kominato Haruichi and he had hardly crossed your mind since. It was Saturday and you found yourself outside on the soccer field with the rest of your team. There was nice weather today, so your coach, Miss Akibara, had decided to let you all practice in the unused field. You had all warmed up already and paired off into groups of three; two fighters and a referee for each group. You smirked darkly at your two friends, Oshiro and Yoshida, as you tightened the Velcro on your padded gloves.

The three of you put a decent distance between yourselves and the other groups because the three of you liked to get a little rougher with your fighting, deeming it necessary to have a little extra space. You looked at your two friends, your only friends really, and declared to be the referee, "I'm fighting the winner."

Yoshida scowled at you as you smiled innocently. Oshiro was stronger than you physically, but you were faster and more precise with your technique. By having him fight Yoshida first you would have more stamina, giving you a leg up that you usually lacked in your fight with him. Whoever won this fight wouldn't have the stamina to duke it out with you right after their victory. You knew Yoshida would figure it out immediately, but you also knew he wouldn't point it out to Oshiro because he could hold his own. Whereas Oshiro fought with brute strength and you fought with speed and technique, Yoshida fought with cunning and tended to use his environment. The three of you tended to fight together whenever Miss Akibara broke the club into groups because with your fights it was like rock, paper, scissors. Each of you were strong against one's style and weak against the other's in your little group.

You stood off to the side as the spar between your two tattooed and pierced friends commenced. The minutes ticked by as the two other delinquents wore each other out, dirtying each other's workout clothes as Oshiro tackled Yoshida into a grapple on the ground. As you watched the fight turn in Oshiro's favor, you suddenly felt eyes on you. You looked around the field and realized the rest of your team was busy, including your coach. As you were about to shrug it off, you caught sight of a few people on the outskirts of the field, hiding in the bushes roughly twenty meters ahead and to your right and near your club's duffel bags. There looked to be four or five of them. You turned back to your friends, keeping an eye on the bushes.

POV Switch (Sorry not sorry)

Haruichi had no idea how it had come to this. He didn't know how he ended up in the bushes with three other first years, spying on the Mixed Martial Arts club. He just knew this wasn't going to end well. Kanemaru's thoughts seemed to be along the same line as his own.

"Hey, this is the right club. Right?" Sawamura whisper-yelled into his ear.

Kanemaru shushed him as Haruichi nodded. Furuya crouched behind them, looking completely uninterested as he ignored the trio.

"Remind me again why we're here." Haruichi appealed to the others, Kanemaru answering before Sawamura had the chance to whisper-yell again.

"The second-years challenged Sawamura to steal something from the MMA club and because he's an idiot, he accepted."

Furuya lightly snorted at Sawamura's offended expression as Haruichi spoke again, "Well, why are we here then? That's not really of our concern."

Sawamura piped up, "We'll be hailed as heroes-" Kanemaru slapped a hand over his mouth as one of the club members turned toward the bushes they were hiding in. Haruichi's palms began to sweat as he thought, do the second-years want us to die? These gorillas could snap us in half if they caught us!

[Instinct] Male Reader x Kominato HaruichiWhere stories live. Discover now